US conducts 'self-defense' strike in Syria
US conducts 'self-defense' strike in Syria

The targeted weapons systems posed a "clear and imminent threat to US and coalition forces," according to the Pentagon

US conducts 'self-defense' strike in Syria
The targeted weapons systems posed a "clear and imminent threat to US and coalition forces," according to the Pentagon
Well, they say the best defense is a good offense.
that’s offensive
Ah yes, the famous defensive first strike.
"The self-defense strike occurred after the mobile multiple rocket launchers fired rockets in the vicinity of MSS Euphrates and mortars were fired toward U.S. forces,"
"Yes, they fired mortars in a westerly direction, and we all know the US is 6,891 miles west of Syria therefore we see this as a direct attack on the US and will deal with it harshly."
Highly doubt that Syrian army were interested in opening a front with the strongest military in the world, when they're getting pounded by Al-Qaeda on the other side of the country.
The tactic that is done all the time and has been since the first hominid saw the other hominid from the group on the other side of the hill running at them with a rock and decided to throw their spear before the rock got to be a threat is indeed famous.
I stand with Rojava