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  • Oh yeah they could call it something like a portable PlayStation, a PPS?

  • Is it going to use physical media? If not, I don't give a fuck. Nintendo, despite all the other shit they do are committed to physical media for the foreseeable future. I believe the Switch 2 will be my last console as I doubt the PS6 will have a disc drive.

  • My PS5 already spins its fans up loud enough to drown out the TV from clear across the room, so if they expect to create a device that runs PS5 games at comparable quality and also make it handheld, I don't foresee this device actually being usable. The fans will be louder than any speakers they'll want to fit in there and the thing will be the size and shape of a cinderblock.

    I could be wrong, and I have been before, but if I am this time I'll be pretty surprised.

    • Have you tried cleaning the fans? They aren't difficult to access.

      • It's less than six months old and has its own dedicated shelf.... I did think to check that, but no, it came right out of the box being this loud.

        Now that I think about it though, I haven't seen any other PS5s in person to compare, so for all I know I just have a bad unit.

  • yeaaaa no thanks. They are about 2 or 3 generations too late for that. After what they have tried to pull with the ps5, plus the price point and the fact that it would be a worse more restricted system than the steam deck. I'll keep my deck where I get an overall better experience + no monthly sub fee.