Cyber-Security Experts Warn Election Was Hacked
Cyber-Security Experts Warn Election Was Hacked

Why did this get deleted earlier? Was there something about it or a bunch of comments that went against the tos?
Cyber-Security Experts Warn Election Was Hacked
Why did this get deleted earlier? Was there something about it or a bunch of comments that went against the tos?
Substack blogs are not sources, removing again.
this article actually has some good points but I'm seeing a lack of data to back it up.
still think it should remain open though.
Georgia supposedly already did an audit as of yesterday showing no real discrepancy, so thats one down. LINK
Don't trust anything the Georgia government says about the election, they've been doing everything they can to skew things in trump's favor, including straight up not counting provisional ballots that were submitted and trying to do a hand count in the first place so they could screw up the numbers
Edit it also says "State law has required audits since 2020." This 100% discredits anything they say they do to "protect" free elections. I guarantee you trump called up the governor asking for more votes and they said yes rather than outing him for it. It's not the first time he has
This isn't the kind of thing republicans say when the elections have been fair. Why do elon's work for him and delete stuff like this?