Ep 548: Duraflame Money (ENT S2E1)
Ep 548: Duraflame Money (ENT S2E1)

maximumfun.org Ep 548: Duraflame Money (ENT S2E1) | Maximum Fun
When Captain Archer and Agent Daniels are stuck in the future, they scrounge up the raw materials to communicate with the past.

When Captain Archer and Agent Daniels are stuck in the future, they scrounge up the raw materials to communicate with the past. But with Suliban in control of the Entrepreneur, Commander Tucker hot wires everyone’s doorbells so that Hoshi can Die Hard through the vents to retake the ship. Which art project is dripping glue? What takes more technique than people give it credit for? Who should have voiced the last time on? It’s the episode with an auto-destruct-shaped hole in its heart.