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  • Having exported myself from the deep South to Yankee land, "Y'all have a good one!" never fails to brighten the day of someone working a cash register.

    In general, folks up here really like southern politeness. They think sugar wouldn't melt in my mouth. I get stopped in stores to talk all the time. Pretty frequently, they just give me a discount. I thought Yankees were supposed to be rude, but they're actually really nice in public.

  • I'm not from the south and use "y'all" all the time. Find it very useful for filling in a gap that English has and slightly faster than saying "you all". Its gender neutral in my opinion.

    Never once thought of it as offensive.

    • Y'all is gender neutral, do so I imagine it's fine

      Edit: typo lol

      • We're talking about Southern US pronunciation so much that I read your comment from "do I" onwards as if it was being spoken like a Southern Belle.

  • As a non-english speaker, I appreciate «Y'all» 'cause it always bug me the absence of a way to reference more than one individual in English.

    What you mean «You» is used to reference both one person and a crowd? English is fuck up.