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  • No.

    Existence had grown exponentially more expensive in my lifetime, well outpacing what a 401k or pension will realistically ever be able to achieve. At best, it might buy me 5-10 years after I am physically unable to work; if I mentally decline too soon due to age (quite likely in my family), I will die in poverty.

    That isn't even touching on the possibility of a habitable climate or war, and assumes the survival of the current economic system.

  • No. Retirement age is already higher than the age I'll probably reach, considering hereditary bad stuff. Aside from that, I have no skills and keep getting fired. Not to mention our planet will be on fire by then anyway.

  • Yep! I retire in 5 months. 55 years old. With full pension.

    My house is paid off and I have no debt. Since I have no bills, my pension will cover my needs just fine. It's not a huge pension or anything, but I've worked for my state for most of my adult life, and whittled down my bills to almost nothing. So I'll get by just fine.

    I plan to just spend my time in retirement doing exactly what I want. I've recently started a local branch of my favorite socialist party, so I'll devote more time to that.

    Plus, I'll do a lot of writing, a lot of Lemmy posting, garden more so I can grow most of my meals, and doing DIY solar projects so that I can cut back on my bills even farther. Because fuck the capitalist power infrastructure in my state. My state's BS laws won't let me go completely off-grid while here in the city, but I plan on reducing how much I have to pay as far down as I can go

  • Nope, never. My retirement plan is a ditch with a nice view of the Rockies in Colorado and a bottle of gin on a cold winter night. Everything I've saved into (SS, TSP, retirement accounts) will inevitably disappear before I can access them/hit the age requirements. I don't trust the system at all (I didn't trust it before the election outcome either). I'm fucked. We're all fucked. Might as well live it up now while I still can.

  • Barring any global events probably. I am quite fortunate.

    To start with me and my wife are both sw engineers.

    I earn some nice big company stock, from when I started to 5 years later it's 10x'd. I was a few years late to really hit jackpot but I still made a lot and will hopefully continue to gain. My company also matches the first 6% of my rrsp (a 401k for canadains) and I contribute 8%. I also have a maxed tfsa.

    I am a pretty aggressive budgeter so I make sure we spend below our means and build uo other savings as well.

    There's a bit of a "problem" at my company where many of the senior staff basically have blank cheques because only they understand the overall architecture. I hope to also end up in this position. I knew a guy that worked 2 half days a week for at least 2x my salary with vacation time to boot. All he did was answer questions for a few hours then go home.

    I bought a house during a panic price drop in 2020 got a really cheap price and then sold it for a huge profit and bought a run down duplex that is a bad investment property but a good place to live for my polycule (in a super walkable neighborhood to boot!). I plan to die in This house. I got what will probably be an all time low interest rate of 1.7% and have been paying it off faster than necessary. When it renews next year at 4-5% I will hopefully keep the same monthly. If my monthly doesn't grow above that then I'll be pretty on track to have it paid off before I turn 45, giving me more money to save and also lowering the amount I need a month.

    If interest rates go down or me/wife gets some nice promotions or my company stock does another big climb then kids might even be on the table.

  • If I ever get off my ass and actually make all these games, maybe. If the ideas are as good as I hope they are.