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Opinion | Voters punished Biden for problems he didn’t cause and effectively addressed


President Joe Biden’s economic achievements—lowering inflation, reducing gas prices, creating jobs, and boosting manufacturing—are largely unrecognized by the public, despite his successes.

His tenure saw landmark legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS Act, and major infrastructure investments.

However, Biden's approval ratings remain low, attributed to inflation backlash, weak communication, and a media landscape prone to misinformation.

Democrats face a “propaganda problem” rather than a policy failure, with many voters likely to credit incoming President Trump for Biden’s accomplishments due to partisan messaging and social media dynamics.

  • I am so God damn sick of reading articles from pundits who think they can just numbers-and-statistics away people's financial experience. Listen to this shit:

    America has recovered more quickly and more completely than almost any comparable country. As The Economist put it, “The American economy has left other rich countries in the dust.” Real wages have risen fastest for those at the bottom of the income scale. Today, inflation is at 2.4%, compared with the 9.1% peak in June 2022. The fight against rising prices has essentially been won.

    But few in the electorate seem aware...

    Wow, the electorate sounds like a bunch of dipshits. But just for the hell of it, let's check their source for the wages of the bottom income scale. According to the Economic Policy Institute, real wages grew 13.2% between 2019 and 2023. Now, inflation was 19.2% during that period, but "real wage," means, "wage adjusted for inflation," so I guess the author is right. The lowest income earners got a raise during the Biden years. Guess the poor are a bunch of dipshits.

    But which of Biden's policies led to these increases in wages? Well, the Economic Policy Institute says:

    Between 2019 and 2023, state-level minimum wage increases along with a tight labor market have translated into faster real wage growth for low-wage workers, particularly faster growth in states (and D.C.) that increased their minimum wage during this period.

    So, it sounds like the wages went up because of a competitive labor market (which the Fed intentionally killed to combat inflation) and minimum wage increases at the state level, and that states that increased their minimum wages saw more of that growth than others. So, you could make an argument that Biden deserves little credit for this increase, but let's not even worry about that. Let's see look at the minimum wage by state.

    The EPI has a handy Minimum Wage Tracker that color-codes states by their state minimum wage against the federal minimum wage. A quick glance shows you the states with the highest minimum wage are mostly states that went to Harris. But what's really interesting is that, of the 7 key battleground states that Harris lost, 4 of them (Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin) have the same minimum wage as the federal minimum of $7.25, a starvation wage that hasn't been raised since 2009. So it's not unreasonable to assume that in more than half the key states Harris needed win saw the smallest share of that 13.2%, but did see prices increase by 19.2%.

    Now, I'm not an economist, and I don't have hours to research this shit, so it's entirely possible that I'm missing a lot of nuance regarding cost of living and non-minimum wage increases in these states. But that's not the point. The point is that I've already spent more time and energy examining why people might not feel good about the economy than the sneering chud that wrote this article. And I'll end this tirade with one last quote from the EPI report he cited:

    Wage rates remain insufficient for individuals and families working to make ends meet. Nowhere can a worker at the 10th percentile of the wage distribution earn enough to meet a basic family budget.

  • Consider this.

    A few weeks before the election Donald Trump and Elon Musk had a little circle jerk podcast interview with each other. They spent time talking about how anti-union they are and how much they hate worker’s rights. Then working class Americans went out in droves and voted for those two rich assholes who openly talked about wishing workers had less rights.

    We made a guy who was the first president in U.S. history to stand on a picket line with striking workers step down because he was old. Then we hired another equally old rich guy who openly talks about wishing workers had less rights.

    Americans. Are. Stupid.

    Our situation isn’t going to get better any time soon. For those of us who aren't boomers, we're basically locked into a lifetime of economic hardship.

  • Opinion: trying to teach tens of millions of people enough basic statistics and economics so that they understand that Joe Biden wasn’t actually as bad as they think is not actually a serious strategy for defeating conservative populism in elections

    • I don't think this is trying to teach tens of millions, I think this is a scaled equivalent of me just standing in my kitchen, looking around and saying to nobody, "God damnit... What the fuck!" Before I take a moment to figure out what's next.

      It's very human. Many had a lot invested in the idea of a better future, that this all might be salvageable. Takes a minute to reckon with the reality here. We're going to have to replace presidential debates with slap fights and primaries with Jello wrestling. For someone relatively younger with a family that they pictured hopefully supporting to grow to be good people doing good things in the world, just sucks to realize the "support" now means we need to start slapping them in the face as early as possible so that they have the most red and calloused cheeks possible to survive in the world we selfishly forced them into.

      Raising someone to be decent today feels like he would be as valuable as raising them to be the best VCR repair person in 2024. You have a severely limited and likely permanently outdated skill set. You might be able to enter a few small rooms where your talent is appreciated and useful, but more often than not you'll walk around in a broader humanity that has no use for you or those like you.

  • Opinion: Authors that proclaim voters "need to be more educated" should maybe be forced to buy a book on how politics work... have always worked, since the beginning of time.

    Then: as they quite clearly don't know how to use a book properly they should shove that book as far up their asses as it can go.

    The only way forward for the people of America is to leave both corrupted corporate parties behind.

  • Marginally addressed. Like I get it. He's better than Trump, but so is 50% of the average person I see outside. There is no effectively addressed, when we know the tested, studied, and actually implemented solutions.

    For example: The ACA. Yes an improvement from what came before but a quarter baked bandaid on the bullet wound of a health care system. We know universal health care system is the answer. It's a fact. The Democratic party never once made that a core part of their platform. Even if you know you won't get everything when working in a democracy you still have to argue from a far left position so when you compromise it's a stronger shift. The middle ground between universal health care coverage and 100% free market is the public option. Where Americans can decide between government coverage or private. But the ACA essentially forced everyone above the poverty line into private insurance held up by government subsidies.

    Another example: instead of being 100% anti genicide the Democrat leadership landed on reducing the sizes of bombs given to Isreal?! What's the middle ground between the 100% pro genicide party and the 75% genicide party? Ya ones better but if we land on a compromise of 87% genicide, did we really achieve anything?

    Income inequality: Republicans 100% pro oligarchy Democratic party leadership is 75% pro oligarchy. The party of facts and science knows our economy with collapse every 20 to 30 years to keep the jinga Tower from crumbling to the foundation so what do they do? Bail out the companies that destroyed the economy in the first place and reset the lopsided tower. If we bail out a company why shouldn't it also be nationalized?!

    I can keep going on. Every issue the Democratic party's solutions are little more than the queen saying, "let them eat cake."

    I live in a solid blue state and surround myself with far left people because we've realized, expecting the federal government to improve your life is a fools errand. We're building our own bubble of compassion, science, and facts. Yes we vote blue but know the only change we can truly make starts by getting involved in our community and surrounding ourselves with those that will fight from a strong position and not a already right leaning position. If we're going to die it'll be with a Molotov cocktails in one hand and surround by those that actually care about each other. Opposed to at the feet of the oligarchy begging for crumbs.

    • It's funny you mention the ACA, since what we have now came from Republicans absolutely gutting the original ACA proposal which should surprise absolutely no one since the GOP is bought and paid for by insurance companies.

      • Yup the ACA was little more than a hand out to the insurance companies. The original version off set the government subsidies to insurance companies with a tax penalty to the uninsured or under insured. Republicans removed that so now insurance companies can double dip while the middle class has to essentially pay for their insurance twice. Once in deductibles and premiums, and another time in taxes to cover the insurance companies losses. The ACA privatizes the profits while subsidizing the losses.

    • There is no effectively addressed, when we know the tested, studied, and actually implemented solutions.

      They handled the post-covid period better than virtually any other major nation in the world. With no inflation, with a low unemployment rate, without a recession. But people voted for a guy who aims to impose tariffs. You can't make this shit up.

      • Yuppy, they got 1 out of 10000 issues right. But did they continue using that as a springboard to get other things right? Nope.

        No inflation? Yes, but did they investigate companies that price gouged during the pandemic? Very little to none.

        Low unemployment? But are those high quality jobs that would lift people out of poverty? Nope.

        Recession? Not for those at the top. Us normal people have been in a 30 year recession.

        Everyone knows that if the Democratic party was just as ravenous as Republicans but for left policies our country would be better off.

  • biden getting flak over inflation is fucking hilarious.

    The fed is literally irrelevant to the president, the president does not control inflation. Sure maybe his spending increased inflation. But the entire global economy was at a practical stand still. If you think getting a seized ICE working again is hard, try it with a global economy.

    You can bitch all you want about inflation, but at the end of the day, nobody really knows what the right solution here was. We could've gone through another great depression event if not for global stimulus. And a few years of bad inflation and high costs will beat literally starving.

    • The only reason Biden gets some slack is when the reaction was needed to take place hard and fast was under trump. And we have had the knowledge of how to stop the spread of an epidemic/pandemic for centuries.

      1. Stop interactions between people.
      2. People showing signs or symptoms should quarantine.
      3. If you can avoid contact with people - you do so. In the past this was the wealthy who could go out to the country side and largely avoid contact with masses of people. But there is documentation of towns shutting down interaction with outsiders to avoid risk of disease spreading either into, or out of the town.

      But when every single country fails to take actions - it isn't a single case of ONE bad leader. It's a case of systemic issues - and that is the case throughout the west: The west is infected by economist bean counters who are insistent on "number go up". That is Canada, the US, UK, France, Germany... the list goes on. And that attitude has gutted the western spirit, economy, and more. This idea that we need immigration - when immigration is a bandaid to a much deeper problem that starts in and around 1965, but really has it's first signs in 1967 in the US, and that is spiraled out of control with the end of the gold standard.

      Yes: That is where the problems stem from.

      The fact is: Biden has been in politics, for basically the entire run of problems stemming and bubbling over. And he has been right smack dab in the middle voting basically for every measure that continued the problem forward. Making promises that were inevitably funded with printed money - printed money that created inflation, that required interest rates to go up, that drove people out of home. Economic conditions that enabled and even encouraged manufacturers to offshore US manufacturing to places like China - destroying US jobs in the process.

      Who benefited?

      If there is a politician to blame: It is Biden. He has been there practically every step of the way.

    • biden getting flak over inflation is fucking hilarious.

      Why? He did literally nothing to address it.

      The fed is literally irrelevant to the president


      The chairman serves a four-year term after being nominated by the president of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate; the officeholder serves concurrently as a member of the Board of Governors. The chairman may serve multiple terms, pending a new nomination and confirmation at the end of each term; William McChesney Martin (1951-1970) was the longest serving chair, with Alan Greenspan (1987-2006) a close second. The president may not have the legal authority to dismiss a chairman before the end of a term, although this assumption has never been tested in court.[3]


      You can removed all you want about inflation, but at the end of the day, nobody really knows what the right solution here was.

      Price controls? Ronald Reagan?

  • Democracy fails when most people, rather than being informed are stuck in their social network bubble ruts. Democracy fails when nothing is done to fight disinformation in social networks. Democracy fails when the most popular social networks can be bought up by the richest man to be used for electoral interference without any repercussions. Democracy fails when it elects convicted felons. The US is too far gone, and is too powerful and influential for any peaceful transition from those countries that didn't want to be enshittified.

  • Opinion: nobody cares wall street made more profits. Democrats are lying when they play their economy card. Real people lost purchasing power.

  • Biden and Co talked down to the working class like Obama did black men and kept insisting we are not financially struggling. We are doing well and there's no reason to be concerned. He lied, we saw through the lie and his party lost

  • I hate to say it but , I told you so

    I'm happy the left is being introspective for a change even though they are super late

  • Lowering inflation doesn't lower prices, and prices are what voters actually care about.

    Prices won't be going down under Trump either, though, so I'm not sure how much credit Trump will get.

  • Yep, exactly this. People kept acting like this was the worst economy ever, and, seriously....wtaf.