This Week in KDE Plasma: spoooooky ooooooooom notifications!
This Week in KDE Plasma: spoooooky ooooooooom notifications!
Welcome to the new home of "This Week in Plasma"! No longer is it a private personal thing on my (Nate Graham's) blog, but now it's a weekly series hosted here on KDE's infrastructure, open to anyone's participation and contribution! I'll remain the editor-in-chief for now, and welcome contributions...
Welcome to the new home of "This Week in Plasma"! No longer is it a private personal thing on my (Nate Graham's) blog, but now it's a weekly series hosted here on KDE's infrastructure, open to anyone's participation and contribution! I'll remain the editor-in-chief for now, and welcome contributions via direct push to the relevant merge request on And after a post is published, if you find a typo or broken link, feel free to just fix it.
Anyway, this week we added a useful service to detect out-of-memory (OOM) conditions, did some UI polishing, and also a lot of bug-fixing! Check it out.