You can use the FUTO kwyboard free of charge for an indefinite period of time. Nothing in their source code will stop you from doing that. The people behind Futo even stress this point. But if it's software that you find value in, they ask that you purchase it for a one-time fee. It may not be Libre Software, but I don't think that's unreasonable.
that's the thing though, it strips you of the options the four essential freedoms provide.
and imo it's not rly an argument. Libre software is free as in freedom and not necessarily free as in beer. You could license it under the (A)GPL, charge for downloads in the Play store or for compiled binaries on ur website and ask for donations on F-Droid.
You could even do a freemium version where some features are locked in the binaries you distribute and need a license from ur website or smth (for those who don't want to use Google Play).
(iirc SD Maid 2/SE does this)
I'm using Hacker's Keyboard, it's got all the keys where I expect them. None of the others feel right, but the fact it hasn't been updated in years does worry me. If anyone knows of a keyboard with a similar layout (separate number row, ctrl, esc, alt and cursor keys in place and the usual symbols as long press on the numbers) I'd love to try it out.
Thumb-Key for a couple years. Handing phone to a relative when they request to look something up and seeing their puzzled stare has been the best part.
I gave thumb key an honest shot for a few days but I found it cumbersome. Swiping takes too much time and effort compared to tapping, and you're better off just using a normal keyboard.
Heliboard for normal communication (glide typing) and Hackers Keyboard for shell/remote desktop/programming type usage. Generally i find the keys too small and typing on a touch screen is slow and annoying, so i use a real computer to type whenever i can.
My typing accuracy is much better with gboard, but I don't use it because google...
I have never used voice to text nor voice controlled assistant etc. as I have no interest in doing that. My phone is muted 99.9% of the time, I prefer to operate in silence...
Is there a good keyboard with the same functionality as the Microsoft keyboard? I really want to replace that. (most importantly size, built-in clipboard and darkmode)
I use Florisboard Beta with the FloriStyle theme (It's a Gboard theme). The only thing I really miss with it is text predictions but they're still working on that and it's not that big of a deal.
If it's working for you then great, but that hasn't been updated in over 2 years. For something that all my input is filtered through I'd like something better maintained.
It's not connected to the internet and doesn't send or receive any telemetry at all. It's API is very minimal as well. I fear Gboard to compromise me far more than this app. Keyboards don't need internet connection.
I've tried EVERYTHING. And I mean EVERY possible foss android keyboard. I don't even think its a matter of taste but just fact that heliboard works best.
Florisboard was decent for a while but at the end of the day heliboard is the correct answer
Love the way how it works + modifier keys!!! (ctrl, alt, super, anything you want)
In the beginning the lack of the dictionary/autocorrection was kinda a problem (especially after Blackberry Keyboard) but now I really don't miss that.