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Spouses, who do you choose?

My first spouse was Leah.
So far I've married Leah, Shane, Maru, Elliot, Harvey and Sebastian.
I really enjoyed being married to Elliot since he kept working and even went away on tour. Writing you letters telling you about his travels.
Before I thought it was disappointing that after marrying, the spouse just stayed home. Giving up on most hobbies and work.
That seem to have been fixed though. Because I remember Harvey going to the clinic to work in a later save.
But who am I going to marry in this save?

Who was your first spouse?
And more importantly: Who is your favorite?

  • Penny was my first, before I knew I was also a woman. She is bookish and shy, and loves others and cares for children. She has a rough life at home, but still deeply cares for her mother.

    She has a crush on Sam, but barely talks about it. She doesn't talk about much of anything, actually, until (!) you get to know her. Then she talks about everything on her mind so freely.

    She likes to be alone with you. Her 10-heart scene is so sweet!!!

    Also her spouse room is great! It's hard to not marry Penny every play through.

    So yeah, Penny.

  • I also married Leah first, but this playthrough I'm marrying Mary. I might marry Sebastian next

  • I want to say in my very first run when the game first came out it was Leah. These days I try and move in Krobus but my sibling always steals him first. So if I so marry anyone its like "hmmm let me pick at random". Last time was Abigail. A bit before it was Sebastian.

  • In my first playthrough, I was surprised to discover that I liked Haley the best. I probably would have gone with Krobus if he was an option at the time because I'll always go for the silly option when its available, but I didn't regret my pick either.

  • My first spouse was Haley; mostly because she was the only one who wanted to dance with me on year 1.

    My favourites are Abigail and then Maru. I can relate to the later better, but I love that free spirit vibe from Abby.

    • My first spouse was Haley; mostly because she was the only one who wanted to dance with me on year 1.

      Opposite for me xD. She just said "ew no" (You need atleast 4 heart to dance with someone)