Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown
Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown
Pic related.
Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown
Pic related.
You don't know he's not depressed. Remember Robin.
I thought the depression rumor was debunked? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Robin get a dementia diagnosis, and thus chose to go out on his own terms, rather than slowly rot away?
Is the d back together again? If not, I don't want to hear it!
I mean if i was kyle gass id tell jack black to go fuck himself. He made a big fit over a simple joke when his whole shtick(before being a literal clown for Disney(tm)) was being an 'edgy' comedian who writes songs that are supposed to be offensive.
Lots of times when me and KG are watching
All the fucking shit that goes down at City Hall
We get the feeling we should fuck shit up
Yeah, we should fucking start a riot
A riot!
And the song continues to tell about the destruction of the government, with the implication that previous leaders are dead. It's obviously a joke song, and when KG made the joke on stage it should have been taken just the same, but Hollywood Jack stepped in and thought about all of the movie deals he was gonna miss out on... like fucking Minecraft... Yeah. I love Jack, and I wish him the best, but I am on KG's side, and if they haven't fixed this shit on a personal level, and Kage comes out with some shit about Jack sucking, I'm gonna wave goodbye to the D.
He throws his friends under the bus
More of a clown every single day tbh
Hes really lost a lot of my respect.
TBF, in the free world it's illegal to joke about the death of dictators, politicians, and extremely dangerous criminals unless you are a politician &/or conservative. Everybody knows that.
I used to think the same about Robin Williams until he killed himself. 😥
Depression is fucked and some people are really good at hiding behind humor.
Robin Williams killed himself due to early onset dementia from brain disease: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Williams#Death.
He is also a spineless worm
Supportive upbringing is a helluva drug
Millions of dollars also doesn't hurt.
Reese Witherspoon, she's the prom queen
Bill Gates, captain of the chess team
Jack Black, the clown
and Brad Pitt, the quarterback
Seen it all before
(I want my money back)
from what i remember he stopped his band because his friend made a trump joke. safe to say he has no feelings at all.
Yeah, safe to say you don't know why the joke was an issue. It wasn't a "Trump joke", it was an "endorsing assasaination" joke.
Yeah, it's a joke, yeah it was funny to me personally (I might have made the same joke), but you cannot say certain jokes publicly as a public figure.
Trump does.
Sounds like he's got strong feelings about demographics.
About his bank account.
He made a joke saying he wished the assassination attempt on Trump was successful. I think you're down playing that by just calling it a joke. I think it's fine to hate Trump, but as a public figure it's probably not a great idea to encourage assassination attempts on an ex president.
Too bad the ex president making comments about assassination on various groups he’s against is pretty much ignored these days. But don’t you dare make such a joke about his life not being as valued.
I mean, legally yeah, but otherwise it seems pretty good to me
funny perspective. are you talking about that old douche that does that hitler talk about bad DNA? he should really really be that last person to not insult.
I don't even care that much about the band stuff. I liked his movies when he was little, and when he started a gaming channel I realized I now find him very annoying. He comes across as full of himself and desperate for attention.
I mean... He's an entertainer. I think most entertainers are attention seekers. That's why they got into it in the first place; for the attention.
Then again, he could have just grown up that way because he was a child actor.
He has a gaming channel?
I think it's called Jablinski.
I must be out of the loop did something happen w/ Jack Black?
Apparently when KG was blowing out his birthday candles on stage they asked him to make a wish, and he said "Don't miss Trump next time". JB is working on his clean image and stepped away, I don't think they have any beef tbh, but the D is on hold atm. source
the D is on hold atm
Okay good but what about their band?
I mean that's fair, you're not really supposed to joke about killing former presidents, even if it's in reference to the biggest piece of shit of the 21st century
Yeah same. Before I opened this comment section I've never even heard of a person that dislikes JB.
Jack Black killed the metal
But really, Jack and Kyle said the D will return last I heard
I dunno, that limp spined shit earlier this year (or was it last year now?) kinda killed any love I felt for Jack Black. He became an avatar of the "we need to be better persons and treat the rising fascist movement with the same respect and legitimacy as any other political movement" that the Democrats were following until Harris finally started running a real campaign against Trump.
Ironically enough, his considering ending Tenacious D out loud over that comment killed off the part of me that was upset he'd end Tenacious D over that comment.
Though I am curious if he came to regret speaking out about that and how quickly he got there.
A real clown would of had a 'yes then' for Glass's joke
Jack had great parents from what I gather. I don't think his demons are all that loud.
I am Steve
Jack Black on Yo Gabba Gabba is legendary.
Because you need to see it again: https://youtu.be/J2tSninyn5Y
Edit: Whoever downvotes Jack Black on Yo Gabba Gabba is my sworn enemy.
Consider me a sworn enemy, then. Can't stand that man.
It would seem I have another sworn enemy to ignore forever.
I see fat face unfunny jack black I downvote.
Andy Dwyer was the Jack black of parks and rec. shame Chris Pratt didn’t embrace that character type. One of my most favourite roles he’s ever done.
I fear for him. I don't want another Robin Williams event
Robin Williams had a chronic disease with a horrible outcome. Guy went out on a high note, all things considered.
I... Am Steve!
Jack Black, 18 Charisma Bard
All these but hurt commenters because he condemned calling for political violence.
That's super vague, the police are political violence.
Agreed. Also seems people are keen to cut down tall poppy's. Is slagging off Black in fashion now?
sure, why not? fuck disney clowns and people who support fascits rhetoric