Princess Peach: Showtime! | Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023
Princess Peach: Showtime! | Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023
Princess Peach: Showtime! | Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023
Looks cool so far; my worry is having the transformations effectively each just play like completely different, mediocre games; instead of each adding new twists to a form of core gameplay.
Of course, it’s an early trailer, so maybe I’m just not seeing enough of it.
Reminds me of Kirby
I don't know how to feel. The game seems like a Paper Mario Game, but you do a transformation and play a minigame instead of battles. Unless the minigames get way more complex, I don't really see the appeal.
To be fair, maybe the appeal is just getting to see Peach in new outfits. I love that detective and chef outfit.