"Sorry Win 11-tan." by @Clov_erD
"Sorry Win 11-tan." by @Clov_erD
"Sorry Win 11-tan." by @Clov_erD
Improve your language! Try "befriending", "headpatting" or "adopting".
I'm going to headpat her so much she's going to kernel panic! (⋟﹏⋞)
Hnd hlding.
Linux-chan can be a bit high maintenance but she's very loyal and will never go behind your back.
It's 11-chan, or -tan means something?
-tan seems to be a cutesy / baby-talk version of -chan.
Apparently -tan became a thing because -chan was originally a cutesy baby-talk version of -san, but it got adopted into everyday language and wasn't cutesy enough anymore.
11 = Microsoft Windows 11
chan = honorific for girl or child
tan = honorific for baby
tan = honorific for baby
Checked it up, apparently it comes from manga, so it's used more there and on the internet than in real life.
Wait, we already did this with Internet Explorer! Do we really have to feel sympathy for Windows 11 now too? >_<