Hi, I'm in the process of installing a standard arch distro on the deck with the idea of using the deck as my main pc for daily use giving preference to the desktop session and with a standard type of installation instead of an immutable one (among other things, I need luks and custom udev rules). I have openbox working.
The idea is to have a X11 session with openbox, a Wayland session with Labwc and lastly the gamescope/steam UI session and just switch between them via SDDM.
I added the steam jupiter repo to install the jupiter-fan-control package. I was wondering what other packages I should install besides the fan-control.
I think the steamos-customizations-jupiter and linux-firmware-neptune-jupiter packages are worth a look. And I recently compiled drivers/hid/hid-steam.c from Valve's linux sources to get a bugfix for the controller if you run it without Steam.