contempt of rule
contempt of rule
contempt of rule
It's not the real name for the crime, obviously. But, it's true that section 1201 of the DMCA makes it illegal to bypass "access controls", which are so loosely defined that just about anything qualifies. As a result, any device with "access controls" gets to define how you're allowed to interact with it, and if you interact with it in the wrong way, even if you own it, you're committing a felony.
When people ask a farmer how they've managed to keep their tractor running for 50 years
"The secret ingredient is crime"
Well then, I guess I'm here to do crime.
It’s Cory Doctorow’s pet name for it. Like most terms he comes up with, it’s almost too brutally honest to say in polite company.
I need to uno reverse this bitch by suing them for their tv violating the access controls of my house's wifi
Male sure there's a EULA up somewhere first.
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s comment in his famous letter from Birmingham Jail: "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
I will follow Dr. King and jailbreak my TV.
Anyone have a good guide on how to jailbreak my "smart" TV to install Linux in order to run adblock on my TV
Step 1. Never connect it to the Internet. Step 2. Connect Linux machine. Step 3. Profit.
I do this. It's the best. You can buy used HP or Dell mini workstations on eBay for super cheap.
Full Linux, full ad blocking, full access to every streaming service instead of just whoever makes an app for your particular TV.
And with the enshittification of smart TVs injecting ads everywhere they can, keeping it disconnected is the only way to fly. Modern tech is like Skynet, you can't let it connect or it's the end of the world.
What if my business model is jailbreaking tvs?
If(businessModelProfit>10000000){ PayBusinessExpense } Else { Go-to jail }
I do wonder why people buy smart TVs instead of getting regular displays together with a Linux PC.
I feel like it’s becoming increasingly harder and harder to find TVs without smart crap built in.
When you find a 70" QD-OLED panel without SmArT electronics attached, let me know.
It's 5" smaller but:
I think I saw a 98" one tho too if you want bigger.
Samsung might have some options as well
Because it's virtually impossible to buy a non-smart TV these days.
I went to buy a new TV and they were all smart tvs. I just never gave it my network info so it can't connect to the internet and ive never had issues.
Regular displays of TV size are usually harder to find and more expensive than the smartcrap.
Different job. TV has less pixel density and is bigger, because you usually sit farther away.
Say I do that.
Streaming can be done through the browser. Which frontend would I use to access the regular TV channels?
In france there's an ISP,Free, that just gives you a .m3u playlist that you can use whenever you want. Maybe there such an ISP where you live..?
Because I like to take advantage of subsidized pricing and I have yet to encounter a brand that's been able to break through my pfSense box's adblocking coupled with bimonthly reviews of traffic logs from suspect devices
I have nothing but contempt for this business model.
"You've tried the best, now try the rest!"
What's a good solution for a remote control and "TV like" interface for browsing accessing things? I really just want a good YouTube and jellyfin interface with a normal remote.
I have an old laptop hooked up my tv already, but using the Bluetooth keyboard and TouchPad to navigate traditional desktop focused applications is such a cumbersome activity that both my husband and I never bother to use it, we just grab the remote and use the default tv interface.
I was specifically asking about the remote control and more tv- like interface software. I've never managed to get kodi to be anything good, not sure what I'm missing with that but it's always super clunky and bad to use.
Someone else suggested plasma big screen, I'm going to install and try and get that configured up today, see how it goes.
Plasma Big screen:
🎶 it's not the best chooooooice... It's spacers choice!🎶
At least the Electronic Frontier Foundation will keep fighting for our rights. I support them :)
don't you mean a gnu system?