Trump says he doesn't see himself running in 2028 if he loses in November
Trump says he doesn't see himself running in 2028 if he loses in November
Trump says he doesn't see himself running in 2028 if he loses in November
He said the same thing in 2020.
He explicitly promised we'd never see him again.
Who would have thought that paragon of virtue would just lie like that.
He said he would leave out of embarrassment
Just him bargaining with his base. "Well if you don't vote me in I'll just stop running, your loss."
In 2020 his dementia hadn't progressed so far.
It would be really hard to run this guy in 2028 without having to hide him the entire time. He's slipping and even the sanewashing from the media can't really hide it all. It's part of why he's in hiding right now, they know he can no longer hold onto ideas long enough to make it through a speech. He was always relatively incoherent... but it's really become painful and out of control when he's in public speaking.
It's already elder abuse, and it would be a hard sell to make it happen in 2028, no matter how much his addled mind might want that because he simply cannot accept losing. Which is why he's dumped all his energy and money into cheating. It's also why the party dumped everything into a VP who will do what he's told, and hit Trump with the 25th amendment sometime soon after a "successful" election of Trump. They know it's Trumps last dance and he's out of control.
Exactly, he didn't lose in 2020 /s
Yeah but he won't be able to string together enough words to even give us the current word salad he does now. You can see the decline just from the start of his campaign to now. And that's assuming he's even still alive given his clearly sub-par health and dietary habits.
Money and modern medications can keep seriously unhealthy assholes alive far too long these days.
Yeah, he said this before:
Incredible campaign ad, 10/10
Non-X link for those who don't want to give them traffic
He'll be lucky to be able to walk by then.
I'm not exactly sure in what way you meant that, but I'm perfectly fine with any possible interpretation.
I don't see it either because there's like a 80% chance he dies lol
I don't want him to die. I want him to go to prison and be removed of all his social media access.
Yes that too
Let him die in a concrete cube
Once he loses his value (potential president), and fails to pay debts to his owners, things will get interesting. I don't hold much hope in our justice system properly punishing him for his crimes. But I hope his life is hell (see Guiliani) and his cult is quickly hijacked by an even more incompetent bunch of opportunists, extremists and unelectable losers.
Pinky promise?
Orange turd will have fucked off to the great mcdonalds in the sky.
I hope he does run: for inmate trustee of the month.
Unfortunately Trump never loses, he just whines about everyone not recognizing how much of a winner he is.
This is his typical threat to his beloved minions. “Vote for me now or I’ll disappear and you won’t see me again!”
Object permanence is hard
The man has dementia. His doesn’t involved staring like Biden’s does, his waxing and waving is louder and rantier.
They’re the same age. There needs to be an age cap.
I almost feel sorry for him. Because he doesn't act in isolation. He is surrounded by yes men (and women) doing everything he says. Most may do it because they're morons, but some are doing it because it's beneficial to them. Plus Russia.
But then I remember that he's been a piece of shit all his life. Fuck him. I hope he goes to prison for all his crimes!
Yea, he’s not a nice guy. You should hear Mark Cuban talk about him. Oof.
If he loses, he goes to jail. He won't be viable as a candidate between that, his age, and his obvious lost capacity.
You really underestimate his voters
Absolutely nothing in the constitution bars a felon or a prisoner from running for President or even holding a federal office. The Farmers believed that the electorate would be smart enough not to vote for an obvious agent of an enemy of the state.
He should! I’d love to see that debate.
Lose the primary and run independent please.
The trick is that if he loses, he won't admit that he lost, so therefore his promise doesn't count. Not that any of them do.
If you don't vote Trump this time you will never do..
He will either be in jail or on the run to Venezuela (who hates him by the way). And I guarantee he will still run for President because that's how he cons the magas out of their money. It's always been about him and money, nothing else. Worst criminal ever!