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Distro and/or config for elderly person

Hello, i have task to install a system for elderly person without much technical knowlegde (never used pc, no windows or mac).

They need text processing, calculator and maybe spreadsheet.

Want to disable anything else (setting panel, file browser, web browser, launcher, dock, terminal, login select, etc.) that not needed, all important thing only from desktop. Should not be able to go anywhere where not know what to do. But not permanent, might need to fix machine if ever break.

Is there distro or config i can work off? Or need to start from scratch? What program you recommend?

Thank you for any answer or recommendation

  • My mom (85) has been using Xubuntu for some 10 years now. She uses Facebook and Gmail and plays card and puzzle games. She had no prior contact with computers, and learned it mostly by herself.

    Just give thema stable solid distro. It will make their and your life easier.

  • Isn't a file browser needed for browsing the saved documents and spreadsheets?

    Not to mention that office suites (such as WPS, OpenOffice and LibreOffice) will inevitably pop up a file browser when the "Open" or "Save" buttons/menu items are clicked.

  • elementaryos is made for that sort of thing, its quite simple and friendly and you need to poke around it to get it to even be able to do more 'advanced' stuff. its among the most polished DEs ive seen design and user-experience wise.

    and it is still linux so you can disable or otherwise restrict their user account from anything you don't want them meddling with. like the settings app and stuff, try it out on a VM and you will get what i mean.

    oh its based off of ubuntu lts so its solid