JD Vance says school shootings are a "fact of life"
JD Vance says school shootings are a "fact of life"
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JD Vance says school shootings are a "fact of life"
Award-winning news and culture, features breaking news, in-depth reporting and criticism on politics, science, food and entertainment.
Countries ranked in descending order by number of school shootings from 2009-2018:
One of these is not like the others. This isn't exactly a fact of life in other parts of the world.
Those numbers aren't right.
First, the total-gun-death numbers are not population-adjusted and therefore useless without additional context. The same article does have the population-adjusted numbers and the USA is, predictably, not in the top ten.
Second, once the numbers are adjusted for population, there are some very strange results. For example, apparently Iraq actually has slightly fewer gun deaths per capita than the USA. Nigeria, the country where Boko Haram is based, has four times fewer gun deaths per capita than the USA?! Clearly the gun-death numbers correspond more to how well records are kept in a country than they do to the actual numbers of gun deaths.
Oh, and those gun death numbers include suicides, not just murders. Most gun deaths in the USA are suicides. A suicide is technically a gun death, but not usually the sort that people have in mind when discussing a school shooting.
That's all just shooting, right, not generally a violence situation in a school?
“‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens”
I believe the assumption is this only applies to brown children. H'wite childrens obviously go to private school and have top tier medical care.
In the US...yes. Those are facts of life.
Trump gets shot at and the country says there is no room for political violence, we wish him well. Children get shot every single day, that’s just a matter of life, child-sized coffin sales sky-rocket.
But really, why aren’t more politicians being shot? I think if they were the targets instead of innocent children, gun reform would be both swift and severe.
Now, I’m not saying that political violence is acceptable, but I’m certainly not not saying it.
Becauss the people who go out and try to solve their problems with violence on a scale that would give us that pattern are the republican base. There are plenty of examples outside of that group, obviously, but even the guy who tried to shoot Trump had been a republican until very shortly before the attempt.
The state of everything is so fucked for my brain to even go this direction... But your comment made me think the following:
Well, in their (the conservative's) heads, yes. A dead kid isn't one that will grow up and eventually vote against them and their hateful ideologies after being around the same things that conservatives demonize.
Edit: Not implying that conservatives want children dead. (That is clearly not the case given their stance on contraception and women's reproductive rights.) But, that they don't care about kids dying to gun's, because "MUh 2nD amendmEnT RigHTS shAn't be INFRIngeD uPoN", and that they view children that have attended these drag events as having been indoctrinated and mentally harmed/abused. That scares them more.
Comedian Geoffrey Asmus said something like, "I don't understand why Republicans are anti-abortion. Isn't abortion just dead liberals?"
Notice how Vance and the other right-wing pricks don't apply the same reasoning to abortion. Nope, in THAT case they can come up with law after law after law to address the issue. When it comes to the lives of children already here? Pfffttt... perish the thought and the child.
Yeah, in the United States. Not in other western countries. Wonder why, JD? Maybe because it's a "fact of life" that's created and sustained by people like you...
Conservatism is a deadly cancer that needs to be eradicated to save humanity. There is no place in a modern culture for toxic, hate-based ideologies like conservatism. That's just a fact of life.
JD Vance is a couch fucking sociopath.
School shootings (and JD Vance) are symptoms of a diseased society.
No, no it isn't.
-residents of like 98% of the rest of the world
A fact of American life because of idiotic gun policy.
Just as natural as love between a man and a couch.
.... in America. Fixed that for you
“You cat ladies just need to make more babies to replace the children killed by gunfire in schools,” said the not insane guy who wants to rule the country and women’s bodies under Project 2025.
Jokes aside, Trump is clearly falling apart. The Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society have gone all-in on Vance. He’s the real would-be dictator. Once elections become rigged at the federal level, he will be President and your vote won’t matter.
at a time like this, a leader should use their pulpit to rally people, make them believe in progress, and cushion the blow.
this guy just blows the cushion.
Fact of American life.
How about this.
Take JD Vance saying that this is just a "fact of life" and start playing that on political ads all over Georgia. I don't like the idea of exploiting tragedy for political purposes but I think people who are considering voting for this waste of oxygen should know that he considers their kids nothing more than collateral damage.
So are corrupt, do nothing, hot air spewing politicians. Weird coincidence?
This can only improve Harris's odds in Georgia, right? I mean this certainly a renewed sense of purpose to turn out and vote for Georgian Democrats who we know if they turn out they win.
He's unfortunately correct. For the wrong reason tho
It is an inherent part of US life. But the rest of the world is proving that it is definitely not part of life in general.
I'd say "what the fuck" but I'm not even surprised that he said this. Bro is scum.
So lets issue all the students guns?
Just give all the kids a few nukes.
If Mutually Assured Destruction works for international relations, surely this works for schools.
"Fact of life", Shay Dee Vance is a mentally underdeveloped humanoid. Another, "fact of life" - there is a lot of profit and money to grease politician's hands in those look-alike military gun sales for LARPERS.
Can... you do something about it?
They have a comprehensive two-pronged approach, they start with thoughts and immediately follow up with prayers, but for the sake of efficiency, they don't actually think or pray.
No, no, the thought is "They're just a liberal crisis actor trying to take away the one thing that makes me feel cool and powerful because my life is a heap of dogshit," then they pray for you to go to hell. Easy!
So my take away here is that JD Couchfucker here is saying neither he or Trump are powerful enough to do anything. Is that really the message you want to be sending during your campaign for the highest office in America?
JDV is a scumback prick. That's just a fact of life. Our country is an anomaly among developed nations and there's absolutely no way to change it. Just wait until a school shooting happens where one of these assholes sends their kids. Will it still be a fact of life?
Jk. None of these pricks send their kids anywhere where these things happen.
Queue the 1980s TV "Facts of Life" theme song parodies.
Yeah they are now. but they shouldn't be don't have to be. These conservative lunatics don't understand the concept of compromise whatsoever.
Maybe Lindsay "no joy in real life" Graham is so joyless because of all the JD Vance-sponsored school shootings.
In case anyone still had doubts that all of their "won't somebody think of the children!" bullshit was just political theater.
What a coward.