What's that notification thingy on the bottom image?
1 0 Replyswaync
2 0 Reply
- WM: Sway
- Bar: Waybar
- Widgets: Eww
- Notifications: Swaync
- App Launcher: Rofi
- Terminal: foot
- Fonts: Google Sans Mono, Iosevka Nerd Font, Material Icons
- Colorscheme: Catppuccin
- Editor: nvim with nvchad
- Shell: zsh
- Shell theme: typewritten
- Wallpaper: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-cardcaptor-sakura-keroberos-card-captor-sakura-sakura-kinomoto-wallpaper-szxyq
- Dotfiles: https://github.com/lolplayer69420/sway_dots
1 0 ReplyWhy is the resolution so bad 😭
1 0 Reply