Dems keep up fight to keep third party candidates off ballots
Dems keep up fight to keep third party candidates off ballots

As the election nears, Democrats are getting serious about grinding down independent candidates.

Dems keep up fight to keep third party candidates off ballots
As the election nears, Democrats are getting serious about grinding down independent candidates.
It would be great to get to a point where we could have ranked choice, but that’s not going to happen for this election.
Each state has to do it themselves. The constitution explicitly gives each state the responsibility to organize some sort of system to distribute their electoral college votes. Any attempt to do it by the federal government would be unconstitutional and could only be done with an amendment.
No one’s said anything about silencing democracy besides you.
Even the article says:
State law requires those who nominate electors for the Green Party convention to be state officers, legislature members and judges, among others. Candidates for state congress can also participate. The complaint notes that, because the party does not have anyone who qualifies as a nominator, the Green Party cannot legally name a slate of electors.
Thats the point.
Control the choices. Control the outcome. That lets the donor class dictate the scope of debate. Set the lines of acceptance in politics.
There's only one way to fix this. Get rid of Citizens United. Nothing will be fixed until that happens. We'll just circle the drain until the next ego driven fascist wins the Whitehouse and ends the American experiment for good and all.