My eyes need a better frame rate because I'm missing frames watching this spider move.
My eyes need a better frame rate because I'm missing frames watching this spider move.
My eyes need a better frame rate because I'm missing frames watching this spider move.
I mean you're clearly not in a shower
Better signal in there or something?
I have a tiny spider like this is my room. Her name is Tiny and she visits my desk when I'm working sometimes. It always makes me smile
I had the same partner at my last workplace. Always showed up on the top of the monitor when I'd arrive in the morning!
For reference this is them on a business card.
That's really cute ngl
They can burst move faster than our eyes are capable of seeing. Most of their movements are burst speeds lol. So they effectively are D&D phase spiders XD
Have you tried unplugging your eyes, installing the later firmware and drivers and plugging it back in?
I'm afraid it wont reinstall correctly or I lose the drivers. This hardware is ancient.
I can't be the only one confused about whether this was supposed to be an animated image or not.
Just shake your phone a bunch and you'll get the jist of it.
It's actually a demon that teleports from one spot to the next
Used to have one that visited me every day for lunch at the office. We were friends and i would put obstacles up and then encourage him to jump onto the obstacles. This went on for several weeks until he just didn't show up one day and never again 😭
Jumping spiders (I think it's a jumping spider) just kinda be like that. They're very cute but also very twitchy.
There’s a scifi novel called Blindsight by Peter Watts that plays with this exact issue.
They do be movin' like the animation in the Spiderverse movies.
They also know how to teleport short distances.
Anyone else getting that Dr Who creepy angels vibe ?