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  • Peter Thiel needs to get more public acknowledgement for being a slimy, miserable, financier of evil who should accident himself out a 45th story window.

  • He should be stripped of all the riches he has drained from the US, then he should be tarred and feathered and shipped out of the country via raft. Good riddance to that worthless parasite.

  • Easier to meddle in shadow-politics with impunity when you can't easily be arrested.

  • Oh man, with the baby leash he has on Vance, no way he can stay behind in US... looks like trump needs a new second place idiot now.

  • Who are they kidding? These shit bags travel by private jet shitting on the rest of the world probably 60% of the time anyways. Like it matters where they “reside”. Just die or get guillotined already.