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Am I the only one that thinks we should have dedicated buttons for copy/paste on keyboards?

I was just reading this thread...

...and it got me thinking about something that I've wanted for a long time. Why is it that keyboards have not evolved to have dedicated copy/paste keys left of the main board? I'd love to see an additional column of keys left of Esc->Ctrl configurable as macros at least. I do a lot of copy/paste for work. The current shortcuts arent terrible or anything but they're not exactly comfortable. I'd rather move my whole hand to the left for a macro key than contort to hit the current shortcut.

What do you think?

  • If I was an evil peripheral manufacturer, I'd not only add keys to copy and paste, but I'd add them to the mouse too.

    Then I'd have a small display in the keyboard that showed the last five things you copied, and let you select which one you'd paste.

    That way users would get used to it, have to buy my gratuitously expensive peripherals with displays in them for no reason, and then not know how to use anything else.

  • Mm, I wouldn't hate it. It could take the place of the scroll lock and pause break buttons on my keyboard, two keys i've literally never used.

  • Back in the day there were 12 more keys that could be bound to that but they decided to get rid of them.

  • Some keyboards have media keys for that. Some user environments also allow you to remap those keys to other functions.

  • My Cloud9 ErgoFS has dedicated keys for that. But, my fingers have known Ctrl+c/v for my entire life, plus they're more easily reachable, so I still do that.

    My only problem is Linux at home and Mac at work with the same keyboard so I tend to accidentally hit super+c in Linux because that's the cmd key on Mac