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somebody is making a parking lot tycoon game - Car Park Capital on Steam Car Park Capital on Steam

The car industry needs you to design and build the greatest car parks that simple town life hasn't seen before. Introduce the need for car commuting and turn neighborhoods into car parks! Use propaganda to convince people to pay you for it. Fight people that see through your oily business.

Car Park Capital on Steam

It's not out yet, but supposedly it will run on linux.

  • I worked for a company that owned a bunch of lots in my city, and I find this very disturbing but also very American in the most disgusting way possible. The entire enterprise of buying out parking lots is fucking absurd, not to mention the incredibly scummy way they're run (check out the legal limit on how small you can make the font that actually dictates how much someone has to pay to park in the lot over time, it's bullshit)

  • Tags: City Builder

    Yeah, America style City Builder