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Media Bias Fact Check - Automation

Hello World, As many of you have probably noticed, there is a growing problem on the internet when it comes to undisclosed bias in both amateur and professional reporting. While not every outlet can be like the C-SPAN, or Reuters, we also believe that it's impossible to remove the human element from the news, especially when it concerns, well, humans.

To this end, we've created a media bias bot, which we hope will keep everyone informed about WHO, not just the WHAT of posted articles. This bot uses Media Bias/Fact Check to add a simple reply to show bias. We feel this is especially important with the US Election coming up. The bot will also provide links to Ground.News, as well, which we feel is a great source to determine the WHOLE coverage of a given article and/or topic.

As always feedback is welcome, as this is a active project which we really hope will benefit the community.


FHF / LemmyWorld Admin team 💖

  • Why are you using a bot that rates media unreliable because they are anti-Zionist using literal pro-israel lobby groups as their source?

    Overall, we rate Mondoweiss as Left Biased and Questionable due to the blending of opinion with news, the promotion of pro-Palestinian and anti-zionist propaganda, occasional reliance on poor sources, and hate group designation by third-party pro-Israel advocates.

  • This bot uses MBFC to check context comments and adds a simple reply to show bias.

    What does the bot check? It checks the comments to determine bias? What "context?"

    How does the autoreply show bias?

    E: Okay I went and looked at one of the autoreplies and I get what it does and I'm excited about it. That sentence could use a little work. Rest of your post is great. You could have done better! I await your revisions.

    • Yeah i just reread that and yes it doesnt make fully sense. I edited it bo a little bit clearer