Here's everything you need to know from the about page:
To this end, the Foundation also trains and cultivates young writers for careers in journalism and serves as an outlet for a host of both young and established conservative writers and thinkers.
So, y'know, nothing more than a fascist whining about Dems recognizing that there are more non-fascists than fascists out there and are making at least an effort to appeal to them.
It provides almost zero examples of Biden's policies, speeches, or actions that would demonstrate what they are claiming. I'm all for bashing Biden when it's appropriate, but this is just lazy writing. It makes it appear that either a.) the author lacked the ability to perform a shred of research to back their ideas, or B.) Biden doesn't actually seem as bad as the author claims.
The only two examples provided are that:
1.) He listens to his constituents on abortion, and...
2.) He listened to his advisors to lower the cost of gas, relieving Conservatives of one of their biggest arguments against him. Our oil reserves are quite safe, I assure you.
Careful, if someone feels that your supporting a liberal here, you'll get banned. Hateful language is only okay when used against liberals (i.e. imperialist, non-leftist pigs).