Manchin considering rejoining Democratic Party to challenge Harris
Manchin considering rejoining Democratic Party to challenge Harris
Manchin considering rejoining Democratic Party to challenge Harris
With all due respect, Manchin can go choke on a bag of dicks.
that's more respect than he deserves tbh
WV native here. He and his family (see his daughter's involvement in EpiPen pricing) have enriched themselves by swindling those who have less than themselves. He's a Republican dressed up as a Democrat so he could run in WV.
That loser
"How can I use this to try to steal some glory from a woman of color"
What a douchebag
Kamala Harris is leagues ahead of him.
He can F right off. He made his bed, got his 15 minutes of fame, and now can go lie in the bed and hopefully die.
The corporate democrats are changing the goal posts once again from “Step down Joe Biden!” to “Bah we want our guy instead” they will keep dividing the democrat party for nothing.
Im all for bashing on corpo democrats, but it looks like the party is pretty solidly aligned behind Kamala. Joe endorsed her and everyone seems to support that. Who besides Manchin is supporting him? I think he’s just trying to stay relevant.
“the democrat party”?
That's the wrong pick for that idea. They should pick someone remotely palatable.
This guy is a chaos agent.
Another man who is too damn old. Didn't he pay attention? Fat chance.
Good. Do it. Whoever has the best chance at beating Trump. Manchin generally supports Democratic initiatives, he's just too chicken-shit to commit as much resources to it. But moderates like him.
And if she wins the nomination, he better support her and the party. That's the deal.
I could have sworn I've heard at least a handful of Democrats saying we need to preserve democracy. Apparently their only interest in preserving democracy is if they have no challengers. This is the antithesis of free and fair elections.
See, not even the most psychotic Biden Fan(boys|girls|enbys) are Biden or Bust. No voter was lost by Biden stepping out of the race. But a lot of voters can be gained by the Democrats running with a candidate that can ... well, talk without a telepromter and has some energy.
Annoying Liberals of Twitter and Mastodon stop whining and get behind Harris.
That reads, and their entire feed always reads as if it's written by some teenage fangirl