They don't want you to know
They don't want you to know
They don't want you to know
Here you go. It's gross!
Dammit, I had shit to do and instead watched a half an hour video about dishwashers.
There are, in fact, several more hours worth of dishwasher content from the same channel. Doubly worth it
Wash it down with several hours worth of content on heat pumps. It's worth it.
Saw this post, instantly thought "Technology Connections", am not disappointed by the comments here.
The real reason is because dish washer water is freaking filthy until the last spray off.
You don't want to see that shit and eat off it afterwards.
I got a new dishwasher that has a "glass front door". I paid extra for the glass door for this reason - I want to see it. But guess what - hahaha - the glass door is simply placed over metal and you can't see shit.
wtf. like it's a window to a wall, or like glass back phones?
The author's unique approach to capitalisation and spacing really makes this.
I always automatically assume that a space before a comma means it's a bot.
I was thinking the same thing. I had to read it out loud to fully understand
It makes me wonder if their native language doesn't have upper/lower letters. Chinese does not, and doesn't really use spaces the same way we do.
They don't want you to see the tongues licking the dishes
there’s a little gnome that lives in mine to lick them clean. charges exorbitant prices though.
Obviously, the dishwasher manufacturers don't want us to know about the gnomes.
Gnomes with cleaning equipment.
And when your dishes don't get very clean, that's because the gnomes partied a bit too hard the night before and just aren't up to their normal standards.
Hmm. That's also a great name for a punk band. Dishwasher Gnomes.
Going to trademark that right now.
Dishwater Gnomes
Cover songs of 90s alternative at x2.5 speed and an octave higher.
It's not the fact that the gnomes exist! It's how they're treated, down with big dishwasher!
No not punk. It would combine 80s one hit wonder songs with 2010s hipster southern folk.
Watching food cook is appetizing and also a necessity to know when it is done. Watching the slurry of fat, food rests and soap is not.
Then why do washing machines for clothes have windows?
Pretty colors spin round make fun watch
They didn’t back in my day.
My tabletop dishwasher has a window. It looks fun in there. Splishy splashy.
My dishwasher has a window. It's a lot of water spraying everywhere.
Thats what big dishwasher wants you to think, they put the fake window to hide the dishwashing gnomes from the public eye. Wake up sheeple
i bet it's mostly because it's fucking nasty in there.
Not in full swing but generally this shows you whats happening
I instantly thought of that video myself.
goofy ah minds think alike
Oh my god, thank you for this channel. I have found a new thing to binge
The only thing I remember about Stewart Little, beyond him being a mouse, is that in the movie he gets trapped in the dishwasher and he is only saved because the family has a dishwasher with a glass front.
For some reason that scene has stuck in my head for 25 years. And I swear its because of their weird glass-front dishwasher that is just so out of place.
I'm sorry to say, but that was a washing machine...
You have unblocked a great memory of my youth, however. Thanks!
The dishwasher continues to remain a mystery then 🤔
My whole life is a lie!
I think it just might be because the seal around the glass would inevitably fail from constant thermal expansion during normal use, thus leaking all over the damn place.
Mainly brown water would be my guess, they an keep it to themselves.
It's useful to see the others, not sure how useful it would be to see inside a dishwasher. Could be fun though. Also probably is cheaper not to have it and could be better insulation.
Same reason fridges probably don't have windows even though that'd actually be handy. I once saw someone post about how their really expensive fridge actually has a window, but their mom put a curtain in front of it because seeing inside the fridge looked "messy". What a travesty
Washing mashines have a window though.
If you open a front-load washer in the middle of its wash cycle, it would dump 5–10 gallons (editors note: however much that is) of dirty, soapy water all over the floor. That's bad - so the manufacturer designs a window so that you can see that the machine is empty of water before opening the door.
I guess it's for that reason. Dishwashers could have similar problems but they might have a lot less water in them at one time and with the type of doors they have you might not dump as much on the floor or something.
We have a counter top dishwasher. It has a window. It’s not that interesting though.
Yup, was coming to comment the same. Mine has one too, it’s just not very interesting or even necessary to see.
I remember Codename: Kids Next Door had an entire episode about what goes on inside a dishwasher.
Ah, found it!
I'd assume it isn't see through because you load it up with dirty dishes that sit for days before you run it. No one wants to spend days staring at the crusty spoon meemaw dipped in the peanut butter and licked like an ice cream cone before the wash is finally run
who the fuck lets dirty dishes sit in there for days lol
I have twelve dinner plates. Often I'll use two a day (my partner doesn't share my allergies or diet and mostly uses bowls)
We have many hot drink mugs
We have twelve sets of cutlery
The dishwasher runs when we run out of clean [plates|cups|cutlery] that is weekly or less often
People who don't make a lot of dirty dishes? Running a dishwasher that is not full wastes water and energy. When I was single I would only run the dishwasher twice a week or so.
Modern dishwashers can easily clean tons of crust. That's why it takes them so long. As long as bigger chunks are gone and you clean the trap you are fine.
You might be interested in MinuteFood's video on dishwashers. No clear viewing panel, but she stuck a GoPro in one.
Mine has one, it's cool
Can you send a picture? I've truly never seen one
It's in storage now but here is a video of the same model
I can watch it go for a full cycle, especially at night when all the lights are out, it's like a light and water show.
It might also have to do with the fact that a window is more expensive, but required for ovens and microwaves as food night burn otherwise, but usually there's no issue running a dishwasher longer than exactly required
It’s definitely not required for ovens. You can just open the oven. Source: previous oven (1950s vintage) didn’t have one.
Pretty useful though, and pretty important on microwaves too since you can’t safely open the [microwave] oven while it’s running.
To show what a dishwasher does, they built one with a large window on the side for childrens television ("Sendung mit der Maus", German public TV Station ARD). Quite interesting and informative.
I guess you mean this one?
Bonus video: Your dishwasher is better than you think
Exactly that one. Thanks.
God I fucking hate how they chose to punctuate/capitalize. What the actual fuck? Just use italics if you want to emphasize something, good lord.
Exactly what I was thinking of. 30 Rock is one of the best TV comedies ever. The jokes-per-minute is unrivaled.
Shocked I had to scroll this far to find it.
Here's an idea you can have for free, manufacturers: air fryer window
Those do exist on the larger ones, they are also usually more expensive tho
I bet you it would be the most interesting to see out of all of these.
This video by Technology Connections has a few scenes where you can see one at work.
So amazing to me that this has got to be one of his most popular videos.
Like...this vid went viral as hell. People are passionate about dishwashers. And I get it. There's a lot of misinformation out there.
It's because the water is t o o w e t
I was going to say "Well, it needs to be sealed tight to keep the water in", then I remembered washing machines exist. Now I am questioning this too.