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uBlue signing broke: here is what you need to do on Bazzite, Bluefin, Aurora or the other images Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed]

If you use Bazzite, Bluefin, Aurora, uCore, or any other Universal Blue image (including our toolboxes) then you need to follow the instructions in this announcement in order to ensure that your device is getting updates. We were rotating our cosign keypairs this morning, which is the method that we...

Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed]

Here is the Youtube video on the topic

The people from uBlue messed something up with the signing, so that updates now dont work.

This is fixable though!

I took the broken updates as the push to move from uBlue kinoite-main to the official Fedora image.

My list of layered packages is now really long, but the chain of trust doesn't involve Github anymore (directly), which was a big concern for me.

rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://