[answered] Front-load bobbins -- any advantages? Or only downsides?
[answered] Front-load bobbins -- any advantages? Or only downsides?
I watched several sewing videos in preparation to buy a machine. The consensus is that drop-in bobbins are easier for beginners than front-load. Well I’m the kind of person who wants to get to the /expert/ stage & if that means doing things the hard way, so be it. But then the question is, what are the advantages of front-loads?
Youtube video id rbhfilt68vI
titled “TESTED Best Sewing Machines for Beginners” suggests that front-load bobbins are more likely to get tangled and jammed. That sounds like an anti-feature for both beginners and experienced users. So why do front-load bobbin designs even exist?
I think I got my answer. Video F7GTjrc-m5w
says front-loading enables the machine to go faster and also enables you to switch bobbins mid-task.
I care more about jamming than speed. But the mid-task swapping sounds useful because I don’t suppose you can predict when it will run out. So I guess I need to consider how much stock to put into the comment about jamming.