IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent
IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent

The Internal Revenue Service said Thursday that it will continue and expand its free tax filing program in 2025.

IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent
The Internal Revenue Service said Thursday that it will continue and expand its free tax filing program in 2025.
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Libertarianism is stupidity. Use brain.
Yeah, the feds need that money so they can spy on American citizens, oppress minorities, murder innocents halfway across the world and bomb their homes "help people"
Fun fact: the existence of atrocity factories like CIA and the US military doesn't mean that benevolent public agencies, institutions, and social programs don't exist.
Just like you being against murdering innocents abroad and also against paying your fair share to help protect them domestically, the US government contains both good and evil parts.
Unlike you, though, millions of people would not be able to survive without the good that government does.
Fun fact: the existence of atrocity factories like CIA and the US military doesn't mean that benevolent public agencies, institutions, and social programs don't exist.
Strong "Mussolini made the trains run on time" energy going on here
also against paying your fair share to help protect them domestically
Do you feel protected? I don't.
Oh, I'm most definitely am. I'm using my brain and my knowledge to help teach others to fight the system and defund the IRS and defund the government and burn it all to the ground.
Guess I wasn't clear enough: use brain constructively, INSTEAD of for stupidity.
Why though? I like public infrastructure. I don't want toll roads everywhere I go.
Let the states handle it. If the states don't handle it well and have bad infrastructure, then you are free to leave. Before a state that has better infrastructure. I'd like to see a world where states compete to get new people to move there and have incentive programs for people who wish to leave other states.
you are free to leave
This isn’t true in the slightest. I’d love to leave Texas right now, but I in no way can afford to do so.
I would support community fundraisers to help people get out of situations that are bad for them. So for example, LGBTQ people who live in LGBTQ friendly places could raise money to support others who are currently living in Texas and need to move away.
So the libertarian solution to eliminate taxes is essentially GoFundMe, where the burden of support for those in need falls only on those who possess both empathy and the financial means to engage in philanthropy?
As I mentioned elsewhere in the thread, there are places in the world where it works the way this guy wants it to. Redmond O'Hanlon talked about observing the results, someone falling off a boat and clearly going to drown, and O'Hanlon becoming incredibly alarmed to the people around him, like where is the rescue boat, isn't someone going to do something for him, don't they have some kind of safety in place? And they asked him, who's going to pay for it? Why would someone set up a lifeguarding operation like that for no one in particular just out of the goodness of their heart? And they laughed at his naïveté about how the world operates, as he watched the kid struggling, going further and further away and out of sight as the boat continued without him.
This book looks like it would make an incredible movie
It’s bananas from start to finish
I can’t recommend it highly enough
Everybody has something of value they can contribute to society. So people need to find what that is for them and do that for somebody else. If you're good at washing dishes, then go wash dishes. If you're good at painting houses, then go paint houses. The libertarian mindset, at least from what I can gather, is a hand up, not a hand out.
But what if nobody is paying enough to wash dishes or paint houses? Your logic would dictate that they should just find someone else willing to pay them enough, but if literally nobody is paying enough then there are no options.
There are places in the world with no government. Africa has lots of them; that's probably the best place to travel to if you want a much more immediate and easy and possible-in-the-first-place path to get there than the total non starter idea of destroying the US government. Central and South America have some too, in selected places, but it's less complete or widespread than it is in Africa. You could literally be living your dream in like a few weeks from now.
Actually I think there are also some crypto based attempts at doing something like that (like floating ships or islands or something), and they'd carry a lot of benefit in terms of the people speaking English and being supportive of your worldview and all, but they have worked even worse than the land-based places with no government, if you can believe it.
If you just meant you want the nice things about the US and its government, without either the destructive things that it does alongside or the obligations that have to happen in order for it to exist and do those nice things, me too! It'd be great. Maybe when you go to Africa you can get to work on making that system. Let me know when you get done and in the meantime I'll be here with my clean water and highways and taxes garbage collection and anti-bear-attraction regulations and military and all.