What is something you don't like, that you wish you did like? and why
What is something you don't like, that you wish you did like? and why
Could be as trivial as a type of food, a TV show, or something more serious.
What is something you don't like, that you wish you did like? and why
Could be as trivial as a type of food, a TV show, or something more serious.
Social interaction. It would be nice to not just be so exhausted talking to people. It would be nice to not dread the idea of sending someone a text, like it's some insane mental effort and not the smallest thing. It would be nice to not be lonely but totally unwilling to do what it takes to correct it.
I'm totally the same. Last night a coworker text me to let me know they would be back in the office tomorrow after taking a couple days off. It took me almost 10 minutes to come up with "ok, see you tomorrow then". I rewrote that text at least a dozen times. Why the hell is something so simple a monumental effort for me?
The key difference between introverts and extroverts is that for introverts social interactions drain our mental energy while extroverts are energized by interactions.
One key thing to remember here is introvert/extrovert isn't about the level of shyness or anxiety though. You could be an extremely outgoing introvert or a shy extrovert. It truly is only about the relationship between your mental energy and social interaction. The comment above sounds more like social anxiety than introversion, though could be both.
Often. But more often not. It's nice to be alone, because a lot of human interaction involves unnecessary drama. Maybe it's just our brains protecting us.
I like that idea. Currently at a coffee shop alone. No panicking brain trying to keep up with the processing right or wrong actions.
Socializing. There are lots of benefits to being connected, but I just can't stand people. People are the worst, and yeah, that includes me.
Running. It's the cheapest, easiest form of exercise, but it absolutely bores me to death and i just can't deal with it after 5 minutes.
I don't mind most other forms of exercise, it's just that they all require more time, effort or resources. Going to the gym requires a gym membership, basketball requires friends, etc.
try roller skates. saves your knees and not boring.
I'll admit running is difficult at first because it requires your active thoughts to keep going. Depending on fitness level (mainly regarding weight, not musculature or cardiovascular), after a month or so of a 3xWk plan, you can start to get into a point where it starts getting more sexond nature and you get more of your mind to yourself and the distraction from running becomes more related to your ability to regularly distract yourself with just your thoughts and/or audio (music, books, podcasts, etc).
But yeah, the beginning is really hard. I used to run, got pretty good at it (would go on 8mi runs with a sub-9 minute pace on the weekend) but then stopped for like... 7 years. Just started again a month or two ago. I can only run for about 25 minutes at like a 12 minute pace. I'm also overweight and over 40 which isn't helping anything. But when I started (or restarted as it were) I couldn't run for 5 minutes straight. I do get shin splints, I was getting sore muscles all over, but slowly I'm getting better at it. At even just the 20ish minute mark though, I need something to distract me. Right now it's music, but I've been considering podcasts as I feel they generally get me more distracted.
Same for swimming. I don't actually dislike the activity itself, but I'm not at ease in the sea and I despise the swimming pool.
River/lake swimming is so the way to go
Try low intensity while listening to a podcast. 80% of runs are best done at a pace where you can easily hold a conversation and breath through your nose (5/10 effort).
I'm listening to history podcasts now and it feels incredibly relaxing and makes my whole day better. Now I don't even like rest days anymore. 🙃
Do you like audioboks or podcasts? Listening to something while running really helped me to find more interest in running/walking more. You do need a good pair of headphones so that they don't fall out of your ears, though.
@eyy @MisterHavoc as someone who might be mistaken as being active, I loathe running and wish I didn't. Every other exercise (most of which I love) is just less convenient. Biking, swimming, hiking, sports - all require extra steps (equipment or environment or other people). If I liked running even a little more it would be so practical to just throw on shoes and go whenever.
But the moment my legs are pumping and my lungs are aching there's nothing to distract me from feeling like I'm DYING.
this is exactly how I feel! I don't get any sense of achievement from running a certain distance or running faster than I did before, and it feels terrible (and I know I can stop that feeling if i just stop running). Almost every other sport gets me that sense of achievement but requires more time, money or effort in some form.
It’s all about the activity. My younger kid is extremely athletic: he did a 5k on a whim and kept up with the runners club without preparation. However he hates running, and gives similar reasons. His activity is soccer. Soccer gives a point to running. That kid will run the entire game if he’s playing soccer, but even he can’t stand running
Gym exercise.
For most of my life I always hated the idea of exercise just for the sake of exercise. I would try to find activities where exercise was an associated benefit. Hiking, skateboarding, rock climbing etc. Eventually being an adult slowly killed all of my recreational fitness outlets and I ended up teetering on the edge of overweight.
With the goal of getting back in shape, I tried a few gyms but I never got into it. It always felt like a chore. Turns out the problem for me was that I am a cheap bastard, and I was only considering the least expensive discount shitty gyms. One of my friends convinced me to try out a pricier more fully featured gym and it made a huge difference. Well maintained equipment, group classes, child care while you work out, showers that didn't scare me. It was a lot less intimidating, and it switched the gym experience from feeling like a chore to feeling like a break.
It's been a couple years now, and I'll say, having once thought I'd never be a gym person, I'm now definitely a gym person.
Not saying it'd be the same for everyone, just what ended up working for me.
I'm the same and as someone who's worked remotely for 10 years, my life was way too sedentary. I got a dog which helped as the guilt of not walking her is plenty of motivation to get out daily, but whilst it helps, it wasn't exactly making me fit and healthy, just a bit LESS unhealthy.
I discovered rock climbing 3 months ago though and my life is completely changed, all exercise and diet is done with my current project route in mind and after 3 months I'm already far healthier and stronger than I've ever been before.
Phenomenal sport, as someone who HATES the gym I really recommend everyone tries it at least once. It's as intense as any workout and 100x more fun.
You know, an irrational fear of heights stopped me when I tried it with a friend some years back. But since getting really into hiking, and doing so on some pretty steep trails, it was pointed out to me that my fear of heights is less acute than before we started.
I'll give it another shot. Maybe I can do it now.
For most of my life I always hated the idea of exercise just for the sake of exercise. I would try to find activities where exercise was an associated benefit. Hiking, skateboarding, rock climbing etc. Eventually being an adult slowly killed all of my recreational fitness outlets and I ended up teetering on the edge of overweight.
With the goal of getting back in shape, I tried a few gyms but I never got into it. It always felt like a chore. Turns out the problem for me was that I am a cheap bastard, and I was only considering the least expensive discount shitty gyms. One of my friends convinced me to try out a pricier more fully featured gym and it made a huge difference. Well maintained equipment, group classes, child care while you work out, showers that didn't scare me. It was a lot less intimidating, and it switched the gym experience from feeling like a chore to feeling like a break.
Not saying it'd be the same for everyone, just what ended up working for me.
The trick is to do it regularly and develop an addiction. I worked in an care home one summer and after that I promised myself to exercise until I die.
Cilantro. Fucking soapy-assed tasting bullshit. I want to like you, but genetics won't let me.
Never got a soapy taste from cilantro, but as a kid, a suicidal stink bug landed on a PB&J I was eating.
At first I was pissed off at my brother, cuz that bastard put cilantro on a fucking PB&J!!! I spit the bite out. Wad of partially chewed sandwich, mixed with insect legs and broken shell lands on my plate: no cilantro. Brother is now looking up at me with a genuine expression of concern: not a prank.
Lesson 1: look before you bite.
Lesson 2: Stink bugs taste exactly like cilantro.
Lesson 3: ...cilantro tastes exactly like stink bugs.
The tiniest little flek of that shit can ruin an otherwise delicious bite of food.
@SterileTechnique @PunnyName in some dystopian future where cilantro has gone extinct, stinkbugs get crushed up and dyed green as fake cilantro powder, much like horseradish pretends to be wasabi...... What a dark place that must be
Embarrassment humor. It's always sunny. How I met your mother. Arrested development. I think you should leave. I can't stand cringe.
I'm the same way. It usually makes me uncomfortable and I don't want to watch it.
Something similar with reality TV. I start to get irritated. I know the situations are fabricated and edited but it gets me worked up and I hate it.
I tend to just feel bad for the characters involved, I don't understand the appeal.
God I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I thought everyone likes embarrassment humor and maybe I was getting a little cynical about "how bad taste is getting" or something. So good to know that others call it "cringe" (in one way, not in the other) and can't watch it either.
I was the same way and then I found American Family. I also only started watching it to have something on in the background which is actually probably the reason why I "adapted" to embarrassment humor.
I looked up from the computer/phone/chores to appreciate funny moments bit by bit, started appreciating the characters in wholesome moments, tune out when cringy things were going on... Eventually I got invested into the story of some of the episodes to the point where I started to tolerate cringe and even laugh at it.
“I Think You Should Leave” is like if 8 year olds are suddenly thrust into adulthood but didn’t mature on the short trip there.
The sound of dogs barking. If I liked that, I‘d be so happy every single day. I‘d wake up and go to sleep to a sound I enjoy. As it is, I will have to move and rent is even more expensive now, just depressing.
I adore dogs but no one really loves dogs barking. Even dogs with a relatively discrete or non-annoying bark pitch will tire any ear if they go into a barking ceremony.
It did make me suffer a lot of nights. I'm new stepmother of 7 dogs. They bark and sing a lot. After a while of suffering I just tried to learn to understand what they are saying, and how their music works. As I gradually get better at that I have now many situations where I immediately know if something's wrong on the farm, or a neighbors dog has come for a visit. But if they are not your dogs the noise can be awful. Especially poor dogs locked up in city apartments or tied to chains as many people do here can be tough to listen to.
Seafood. So many people love it, so many cultures' cuisine centers around it, but OMFG I can't stand the taste.
god same, everyone else loves stuff like salmon and shrimp and it just makes me vomit, it's absolutely terrible.
the only things i can eat are smoked roe paste (kaviar), and fish sauce.
I feel you. I have persistent depression and it's such a struggle to just enjoy life most days. Neal Brennan said it best IMO. He says he is unable to feel joy. I have happy moments, but they are fleeting. I enjoy some things and I have fun doing my hobbies, but it never feels fulfilling. Like, I'm just always looking for something to fulfill me, and nothing ever gets there.
People, cause love and friendship.
I feel this. This probably stems from childhood issues and a string of failed relationships but I just can't be comfortable around really any social groups I've had for very long. Functionally I'm great, people seem to like talking to me and want my company. So we'll do a few get together sessions and then my fatigue will make me slowly fizzle out. It really sucks.
On the brightside though, I do love my own company and have made peace with having a lot of holidays and special occasions on my own or with the cat.
I'm comfortable too with being by myself. I just think it would improve my life if I felt I could trust people more. Or at least let go of some unarmed something in me that just gets hurt or disappointed by people. I'd like to connect more and not give a fuck when people disappoint me, and just forgive and let go.
Healthy ✔️ Comes in its own container ✔️ Tasty ✔️
I try one every year thinking this will be my year.
Unfortunately the texture kills me
While I love bananas so can’t relate, maybe my hatred of tomatoes is similar. I can’t stand the things. However I love tomato sauce and soup and juice. I love salsa, and stews, etc. I love things that tomatoes make. Presumably it’s a texture thing.
Have you tried things with bananas in them, to separate the taste from the texture? Someone else mentioned smoothies, which is a great choice for taste but no banana texture
Programming. I have a bunch of ideas that are actually useful for my job, but I can’t seem to keep track of the necessary steps to write the code. ChatGPT has helped me create a couple of programs: a discord bot and a very complex (for me) application that brings in NASA data that automatically runs through Stable Diffusion. The code interpreter is amazing… but there’s too much context I’m missing for these things to be truly fun the way I imagine them to be.
Depending on what your level of experience is, it might just take more time and practice. When I was doing my degree, it took two years, an internship, and multiple serious programming courses before I truly felt comfortable programming.
Look up UC Berkeley's CS61A, B, and C, then start looking deeper into the CS curriculum to find the pieces you are missing. For me, it took trying to optimise the CPU scheduler for single threaded processes in Linux, specifically complex assemblies in FreeCAD. That lead me to a few lectures about the scheduler in the OS principals course. I've done a bunch of little embedded projects but struggle with complexity. The concepts around a scheduler are what I was missing. There are a lot of things like this that are readily available for free online if you just go searching for them specifically.
If you want to really free yourself, I run a offline Llama2 70B with GGML 4bit to code. It works well for snippets and can do better than 3 tokens a second on a 12th gen i7/64GB and 16GBV 3080Ti. It can run at around 2 tokens a second on just the CPU, but you'll need a Linux machine with an additional 8GB swap partition just to initially load the model. It takes around 43GB to run after init.
Career growth. Works keeps telling me for years about how they want to promote me into a new role, but I keep turning them down. Like bruh yeah it's more pay but it's more hours ya know.
I'd rather finish work 5pm everyday then stay back till 8pm for a few grand more which is even worse after tax.
That's completely normal, and a large portion of people here in Europe would do the same as you do. There is this saying where "people in North America life to work, people in Europe work to life". Because who cares if you make more money if you barely have the time to actually enjoy it?
Not trying to say one continent is better than the other, but it is a very clear difference in work-life balance mentality.
Nothing wrong with that
I see people I've known that are in higher roles and they're overworked and put in like 50% more hours than I do. They probably make 20% more but I make enough to be very happy. So what's the point?
If you have enough money, you don't need 2x enough money.
You can negotiate your hours, just like you can negotiate the pay.
Lots of people do that.
Maybe find a way to define “career growth” for you, instead of the company’s version? I’ve been pretty happy with increased freedom, increased decision-making, without the extra hours and without having to deal with people.
Getting up early. Ideally even exercising before breakfast.
Social connection. It would be nice if I could be confident and good at making friends with strangers. I have no idea why I feel so lonely when in the crowd and even more lonely when I'm alone.
Trust me, it's overrated. Besides, you're avoiding COVID naturally. That's a perk.
Math. I'm embarrassingly bad at math, like can't do it in my head, don't get the math meme jokes, can't add fractions even on paper bad. I took 3 remedial math classes in college before they let me take the one that actually counted for credit. Just thinking about doing math gives me anxiety. I know I could get all sorts of better-paying jobs if I was better at it, but it's like my brain refuses to learn it beyond the basics. I really envy anyone who's good at it.
There are specific learning disabilities around math. If you think your issue might be something fundamental about how your brain works, you should look into dyscalculia
I have this and I always struggled with math. I was terrible at mental math and I wanted to be better. I changed all of my clocks to military time so I had to do a very small and easy mental math problem if I wanted to know the time. I started to get better at it and now I am better than most people I know (not by a whole lot, and it does still take me a while to get more difficult problems done). I now enjoy trying more difficult problems just for fun. I also developed some interesting methods to chunk problems in my head so they are easier to manage.
It's not about hours of practice. Small incremental changes over time can be a better way to go about it.
I'm the same way. I just had to keep trying to figure it out, and eventually something clicked. I'm still bad at doing math in my head, and I found out that different types of math math more sense than others. Like I'm really bat at algebra and calculus, but I can get geometry and trigonometry. It just took WAY more practice for me than other people I know.
I feel the same way about movies. I dislike commiting more than 90 minutes to something unless it's really good.
Do you commit 90+ minutes to social media or YouTube and the like?
Begin social, wishing to meeting people, not just strangers but friends and family, and feeling good to spend time with them. Because be a grumpy lone wolf dosnt pay off.
I want to be alone, I just don't want to be lonely. Which makes it hard to find friends, since most of the time I'm great just being on my own.
Coffee, it's just too bitter for me, and by the time I get it tasting okay, it may as well be a dessert. People seem to form half of their personality around how much they love coffee, it makes me feel like I'm missing out.
The problem might be the coffee itself. The stuff you buy at the store is often the cheaper robusta variety, which is known for its bitter taste. It's why it's cheap. Arabica coffee is smoother, and much less bitter in some cases. But anything from the store is also from multiple sources, meaning they take crops from all over the world and mix them together. Single source coffee is more expensive, but you can find varieties that are more delicate than store coffee and taste more fruity. Chances are you could find a kind you would be happy drinking with no added cream or sugar.
But then again, don't push yourself to try it. It's really no big deal if you don't like coffee. And honestly, it's not really good for you anyway, as caffeine is addictive and weaning yourself off of it can be a quite literal headache. Plus it raises your blood pressure, so depending on your health conditions, it might be really bad for you. You're not missing anything to be sad over. And I say that as a coffee lover.
There are health benefits to coffee as well, as long as you do moderate consumption and don't put sugar, I don't think it's that bad generally.
It is addictive though, and you feel exhausted for some days if you suddenly stop drinking.
If you're interested in trying to like it, there are a few technique changes I've made over the years that have made me enjoy it. If you're not interested, stop reading and enjoy your coffee free life. 😊
I used to only enjoy it from coffee shops and tolerate it when I made it at home, but I've learned a few tricks that helped.
The water and the salt tricks are easy. The lighter roast is more tricky bc grocery stores sell darker roasts. The burr grinder is harder bc they're not super popular, so you may have to look for one.
First off, do not do it if you don't want to, King. But I have found I enjoy light roasts with cream, and yes, that's a very far departure from what macho men call coffee, but who cares. A light roast will be less bitter and more acidic and sweet instead. Also something I've learned is that most people use far too many grounds in their coffee, so you get what amounts to over-steeped coffee that again has bad taste.
@GeekKing @MisterHavoc ironically, I feel like I form half my personality on being one of the few people who Don't drink coffee.
Own it! 😜 We're better than them! We don't need any weird brown bean water to become functioning human beings, much less be elitists about it. Psshht losers /s.
Jk y'all bean juice lovers are an alright bunch, I guess...
Enjoy what you enjoy, and enjoy that you enjoy it. Doesn't matter what other people like
You might be a super taster like me, do you also hate wine, beer, and most fermented things?
Meat - I'm a vegetarian, though I take a lot of interest in cuisine, and while I may not eat meat personally, it's undeniable that it's a core ingredient for so many beloved dishes across the world. Maybe one day lab-grown or plant-based stuff will be able to serve as a common, cheap, and indistinguishable substitute, because I do want to appreciate all the food the world has to offer while sticking to my ideals as much as I can.
Reading novels (or just fiction, in general). Not sure why but I simply lost the ability to do it a few years ago. Still like to read a couple of nonfiction books every month, but feel like I'm missing something lately
I was in the same boat until about a month ago. Feel like I’ve figured out a brain hack for myself and I’ve been looking for someone to share this with!
Here’s what I’ve done; Kindle app on my phone, set to infinite scroll, white text on black background and the Kindle app widget on the home screen, displaying current book I’m reading.
Infinite scroll makes it feel like I’m just reading a really long article, something I’ve never had trouble with. White text on black background is easier on the eyes. The widget is 4 times the size of other app icons so drawn to it over Lemmy or Mastodon.
I’ve gone from reading nothing in about 5 years to about 200 pages a week!
Will try that out, thanks! I've enjoyed the Libby app a lot on an old ipad mini, bet they have a similar infinite scroll feature somewhere
How do you feel about audiobooks?
Same. I'll sit and veg out to shows or a movie occasionally but I get obsessed with nonfiction, mainly news (which isn't necessarily nonfiction I'll grant you). It'd be nice to get absorbed in a good story once and a while but I usually find it hard to just "push through" some books when the setting is rather alien (i.e. fantasy and sci-fi). That's the kind of stuff I like to watch but maybe I'd do better reading stuff in a more real-world setting.
Lovey dovey feelings. My wife would be much happier if I was more open with them, and it wouldn't be so much work.
Tomatoes are in so many recipes, they're healthy, supposedly can even make good snacks.
ABSOLUTELY disgusting. Flavor, texture, smell, all of the above are just repugnant. I hate that's the case.
When you cut a tomato and that semi-slimy juice pours out along with pits - DISGUSTING!
Ye, good tomatoes are not supposed to have a lot of that jelly stuff. They have more flesh per tomato, and the jelly stuff inside isn't as slimy. Where I live it's not difficult at all to get my hands on good (and cheap) tomatoes, but I also spent some time in other regions where the tomato situation was dire indeed.
The trick is narrowing down what is so repugnant. I also can’t stand tomatoes, even preparing them. They feel like some sci-fi horror fleshy grenade thing about to explode and cover us all, and the smell is just rotten food
But realistically for me it’s the texture. I’m fine with tomatoes being gross because I can enjoy tomato juice, tomato sauce, marinara, etc. I get all the benefits and someone else deals with the gross parts. Enough cooking and adding spices, and they can add a lot to a meal
Enough cooking and adding spices, and they can add a lot to a meal
Lets be honest, Indian butter chicken is why I don't just outright say I'm allergic to them because that is delicious and apparently tomatoes are a main ingredient with the sauce.
The texture is a high part, I'll always remember "horror fleshy grenade" about them now, but my dad who hates tomatoes as well found heirloom grape tomatoes and eats them just straight. Okay, I'll try them. Nope... that I don't know how to describe other than tomato taste just was there and awful.
I can eat marinara and tomato sauce, but if I can have an alternative 10/10 I'll pick something else, ketchup I don't really like, and if it's spicy enough I enjoy salsa as long as it's not chunky, but that's because I find salsa is like butter chicken, the tomato taste isn't there, just a vehicle for the spices.
But seriously, I'm the guy when everyone is ordering a pizza I know I'll be able to eat it but I'll be "meh" unless there's a white sauce pizza.
The Elder Scrolls: Online. TES is easily my favorite game series and I'd absolutely love to soak up all the lore available in ESO.
But I just can't stand an MMO. I don't like seeing other people everywhere. I get that you can solo most of it.
It also just feels less focused on "live another life in another world".
Ive tried it a few times, and there's a lot that's intriguing about it story-wise, but I always end up putting it down pretty quickly. I'm hoping it clicks with me at some point.
Same. I play RPG video games because I want to "be" the protagonist, live in that world for a while, and get swept away in a satisfying story I can experience from within in the way that only a video game can do.
I never liked MMORPGs, because A) hearing some squeaky child from across the country tell me how much sex he has with my mom does not help my immersion into the fantasy world, and 2) the fact that they are designed to keep you playing forever means there's not ever going to be a satisfying end to the story by design.
Old WoW player, hit Guild Wars, EVE Online and ESO. Had fun in them... but I had a lot of the same problems you're talking about. EVE was fun because it was screw the story, the fights are on, but any of the others, there's story and your character is off to the side.
Few months ago a friend got me into Final Fantasy 14. Note, it's the first FF game I've played so I didn't go in with the love like so many but holy lord it scratches that RPG itch I've been looking for for years in an mmo setting... like straight up the story is at a point where I say my character is really not in a good place. Frankly it's story is better than some of the single player games I've gotten to recently.
What turned me off of ESO was the class system. I just wanted to be an orc warrior or rogue, not a "dragon knight" or "night blade." While I would normally applaud the creativity, it seems out of place in an mmo. When I'm the legendary world-saving hero in the single player games, I get normal skills. When I'm one face in the crowd, I get these grandiose titles and flamboyant costumes that everyone else gets. Seems backwards.
I'm curious, why beer? I love beer and its many varieties, but not liking it seems like an overall win. It's awful for your body, we (Americans at least) tend to consume way too much of it at a time, and if your aim is to get drunk there are far more effective ways to accomplish it.
Kinda related for me, is keeping in touch / communication / or just talking in general. It's the reason why I don't have any friends left, and that's because I can't be bothered to stay in touch with them (and I hate social media).
At the same time, I'd like to have some friends to go watch movies with, or go to a restaurant etc. I almost stopped going to the cinemas after I lost touch with my old work friends.
I wish I could have just casual, activity-based friends so there's no commitment to keep a relationship going and you just meet up for an activity when you feel like it with no expectation of any follow up communications or getting involved in their lives.
Onions. I wish to God I liked onions. Food is so hard for me sometimes because I can't stand them in almost every form. I travel a lot, and the hardest places not to offend anyone food-wise has been southeast Asia. So. Many. ONIONS.
I don't know what it is but onions just overpower everything for me. I love the flavor onions give to other foods so I use onion powder when cooking, but anything that has actual onions, it's all I can taste.
And yet it is in India you'll find Jain food that is free of Onion/Garlic/Ginger.
@OceanSoap @MisterHavoc so unfortunate as I feel like onions are one of the few nearly-universal components of food culture.
Wheat you can get away from in Asian countries where rice or other grains predominate
Same with dairy and most vegetables. Even meat isn't as ubiquitous, and you can always choose your species (chicken v pork v beef v fish etc).
Now you got me wondering where onions originated.... 🤔
Weed. Every time I try it, I regret it. I feel like with alcohol, I might be uninhibited, but feel in control internally. With weed, I feel like I can’t complete a thought internally and I hate it.
Do less lol.
That doesn't mean go out and do it, but next time you might, cut way back on the amount. If one puff makes you feel that way, do 1/4 of one.
For me, it just makes me feel like I've taken a sleeping pill and not really anything else. I can see why people would like it if they can't sleep, but it's not exactly fun or enjoyable to me. I've taken very small amounts. With alcohol, you get a fun mental effect. With weed, I'm so drowsy and sleepy that I cannot do anything at all and it's unpleasant. I don't get a mental effect with it besides making it harder to concentrate.
is it legal where you are? because I found out I like certain types that don't do well on the black market.
I Think You Should Leave. I feel like something is wrong with me. On paper it should be right up my street and two of my closest friends (both of whom I have a near complete overlap with in comedy tastes) are massive fans but I just don’t get it? I get the jokes but I just don’t laugh. I feel like Bart in that episode of The Simpsons where he sells his soul when I watch it.
To me, the skits tend to go on about 10% too long.
The first thing I ever saw of his was a YouTube clip of the faux lawyer advertisement for homeowners that gets increasingly deranged, and the clip cuts short the ending, which tightens up the humor and makes it better.
I like absurdist humor, but there’s an element more than “wow wacky guy in normal situation” that needs to elevate it for me. Some of his skits have it, and some don’t.
I didn't like it until I watched Detroiters.
Sauces on foods. No, hear me out! Since I was young any kind of sauce on my food really bothers me. I just can't enjoy it and usually don't eat at all or pick around it if I can't get it removed.
Nearly every menu item and nearly every cuisine includes a sauce, and it's often prepared with the sauce in an unremovable state.
Fortunately it's easier these days than when I was young to order it on the side, so I can just not eat it. But it's a mild inconvenience that I'd never wish on anyone (except my enemies).
Fascinating. How do you feel about soups? Is it something about liquid food?
Sports. I'd be able to have conversations with neighbors, brother-in-laws, etc.
Nah, sports people need to learn how to have conversations about particle physics, error correcting code, stress-strain curves, preoteomic or epistemology.
Going to the gym... I know it's good for me, I know I should be going but I can't help but feel that I'm wasting my money, only to be doing something less productive that I don't really enjoy doing...
Also watching shows, ik one-piece is probably good, I'm not watching 1000 episodes of anything, no matter how good it is
I agree with the gym. I hate being in the environment of the gym, way too many people and I hate working out but if I could do it, it would solve so many problems.
@Presi300 @MisterHavoc it's tough - I find that I dislike exercising just for the sake of exercising. Going on a bike ride or hike feels like exploring, seeing nice scenery. Playing sports is FUN, and the objective is to get the goal/do the thing, not make pain in body to make it healthier.
For me the key was to find something I liked doing where being active was a side effect. (Like someone mentioned, gardening! I hadn't thought of that one)
Try a combat sport instead. I got bored of the gym, so I started BJJ. It's fun, and it basically gives me a skill I've learned.
I hate the gym too. But I need to exercise. So I joined a soccer training thing. So happy.
I was really hoping I'd enjoy Baldur's Gate 3. Apparently D&D is something I'm virtually allergic to, I hated the dice, controls, camera, dice, aesthetics at the start, FOMO and the wrong kind of "genre savvy" fucked me up about content getting locked out - basically I immediately hated all of it enough to put me off.
Shame, because it does seem like a seriously awesome game, just not for me.
You've put into words exactly how I feel about BG3. It's like it's someone else's favourite game.
The CRPG genre isn't for everyone and while Baldur's Gate does use D&D 5e rules, it's nothing like sitting at a table. Much more like playing Dragon Age and letting you see the calculation.
That said, if you hate dice, yeah, TTRPGs probably aren't for you.
ADHD really hinders my enjoyment of the game. Real DND is my favorite thing in the world, but it takes so long to do things in BG3, and I get distracted and can't hold myself to playing for a very long time, and it just makes me wish I were actually playing the real game instead of through a computer.
I feel a bit the same. I loved never winter nights though!
What kind of games do you like?
Desperately searching for a game pass time...
I mostly just glom onto random games and stick to a bunch of older games I know I like. My gaming habits are colored by almost everything seeming "meh" so I revisit older games and old favorites a lot. My major timewastes have been Runescape/OSRS, TF2 and WoW ("liking" might be a strong term currently), Bethesda games (Oblivion to Fallout 4), Far Cry 3-5, Minecraft/modded, GTA SA and V, FTL (roguelike in space and absolutely bullshit - kinda fun, though), retro games from my nostalgic sweet spot (SMB3, some SNES, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, other N64 and Gamecube stuff), Zachtronic games (puzzles often inspired by coding)
Basically probably not super useful advice, but if you have things you feel like returning to every so often, there's no shame in that. Better than staring at the wall or touching that god-awful grass people keep talking about.
I feel the same way, but about fantasy RPGs in general. So many great games like Witcher series, Dragons Age, Baldur's Gate, Elder Scrolls etc. I'm just put off by medieval fantasy in general. I really enjoyed other RPGs like Fallout or Mass Effect, and I wish there were more similar games I could play.
Tomatoes. I like all kinds of things made from tomatoes but cannot stand them in their original form. I try them from time to time, big ones, little ones, all kinds, just to see if my tastes have changed, but so far nope. It’s especially odd because it don’t feel this way about any other kind of fruit or vegetables.
Team tomato haters 💪
Do you like BLTs? I used to hate tomatoes, and then someone recommended that I try to make a BLT with some green tomatoes. They have a bit of a different flavor and smell than regular tomatoes and are really good with a little salt. That sort of opened the door for me to actually start liking regular tomatoes.
I like the BL part. They were on the table about once a week when I was a kid and couldn’t stand them. My grandmother made green tomato pie on occasion though and I didn’t hate it.
@Phogger @MisterHavoc what is it about them? The texture? Skin? Level of liquid? Flavor profile?
IPA beers. Most of my friends like them but despite all the different IPAs Ive tried, not a single one of them was particularly enjoyable to drink.
What if your beer tasted like grapefruit!?
I lost my taste for grapefruit alcoholic drinks, especially bitter ones, after trying malort a few times.
Pickles. I love fermenting things (beer, bread, yogurt, cheese, jalapeños) but cucumbers are gross in any form.
Pickles is what I came to say. My exception is that I don't mind cucumbers at all. I love vinegar and haven't met a seasoning or herb I didn't like. Except the combinations used in pickled cucumbers.
I ferment and pickle my own other vegetables. I should love pickled cucumbers. I'm not a picky eater. I eat bizarre stuff from around the world. But pickles is the one food that just shuts everything down immediately.
Maybe you just don't like dill. You could try making some with other stuff in it!
I have the soapy gene and it would make me look like a total maniac.
Oh man lol
Money. When it comes to motivation when job searching, it's probably one of the last things in my priority list. Not really motivated by it, it's just that I value ease of travel, environment, hours, stress amount (or lack there of) way more, and I probably could achieve more and grow more as a person if I was after positions that offered more money. As things are right now, however, I'm completely fine just taking it easy.
Star Wars. I'm literally the only Gen Xer I know who didn't grow up a huge fan of the first three movies and didn't care for all the toys associated with them. That continued into adulthood--I never got the hype for the newer movies or the modern series.
Whiskey. I can be pretentious about good beer, bread, chocolate or coffee, but I’ve just never tasted a difference between whiskeys. Granted I haven’t made too serious an attempt but it Hardly seems worth it. How can I finish becoming a snob if I don’t like good whiskey?
Waking up to a new day.
Tropical fruits like mangos, pineapples, and coconut (not a fruit i know). They look and smell good and other people really like them but I can't stand the taste
Vegetables. And fruit. They're obviously very healthy - essential even. I have them in almost every meal, but I hate the taste of all of them. Apart from potatoes I suppose, but all the others.
I don’t know if this is of any help, but herbs when cooking things like broccoli in the microwave works wonders. Also: if you pan fry zucchini or paprika, use butter or olive oil, or even roasted sesame oil, and give it some nice dark spots.
Yea, some grilled vegetables are so much better. And like you said, add butter, oil, herbs, lime or lemon... Just hide that shit under more shit.
Engineering. Programming. Any kind of field with good jobs or stability.
I don't know how to articulate it properly, but I can't care about anything that is human-focused. I tried engineering and it made me extremely uncomfortable; like my soul broke apart and got put back together in the wrong way. Doomed to be a poor af zoologist/plant biologist :(
As a failed (not really, but academically) engineer who is only comfortable around non-humans I find this very relatable. But is it more the human contact or the human contact with engineers in specific or the technology that gives you soul damage?
I actually love tech, but I also think a lot of modern tech is overkill and shouldn't exist, and I can't get excited about modern gadgetry anymore.
Honestly, the fact that engineering isn't public facing was a big plus! But it's the tech part. I'm a zoology/maths major that switched to engineering for a bit. I thought it'd be great! I love combat robotics, and I tinker with gameboys ffs.
I actually love tech, but I also think a lot of modern tech is overkill and shouldn't exist
This resonates. I have boundless wonder for the amazing things in the universe that we get to witness (using said tech) from the molecular level up. I don't know why this stops at human-created things, as I do like tech too - as a layman.
It just feels like human development and expansion is a zero-sum game with nature, and my heart is with the biodiversity we are destroying. I was so excited for circuits class too.
May I ask what you ended up doing? Did you become disillusioned with the field?
Mayonnaise. It's on or in a lot of stuff. I just can't stand it.
I love burgers, I hate mayo. This has caused me more pain than most would understand
I fully understand. Haha
Same, it's just disgusting. And people don't seem to understand, that mayonnaise just makes everything it touches uneatable. I also hate ketchup tho, it's like someone just mistook sugar for salt.
Exercise in all forms
Its boring and tedious.
Strength training?
Life up that heavy thing. Great. Now put it back. Repeat 9 times.
Its nice for people who enjoy it. I find it to be .. literally the most pointless thing you can spend your time doing.
When I was losing weight, tracking my progress on things like running and weight helped me stay consistent with it. Every time you exert yourself, it's towards a goal, and if you can track your progress it feels less pointless.
Math and by extension programming. It makes sense. Then I fill in the numbers, it enters my brain and then just goes to a garbled mess. I get lost in a for loop. WTF...
Maybe your just learning from the wrong place? A lot of people who say they aren't a "math person" often just have a shitty education.
Yeah, a lot of math education teaches memorization. This isnt math. If you can understand how a formula was derived, rather than just memorizing the formula, I find it a lot easier to remember. I'm not really memorizing a formula exactly, rather I understand better of how I get from what I have to what I need.
I didn't say I'm not a math person. It literally becomes confusing. I imagine it's like how dislexia works. They know words. They know what words say, just putting them together doesn't happen the same way as everyone else. I fundamentally understand the individual elements but I just can't assemble them properly in my brain like I can with everything else. Even if I know the formula and put the numbers in the right places it's like the processing step in my brain just...doesn't, or won't. Hard to explain.
One of my best friends has a strong Japanese accent, the other has a strong lisp, and I'm still not used to either one, and I feel guilty for it.
I wish I liked eating a ton of raw veggies.
Add Hummus.
Just have them as a boredom snack. Carrot sticks, red capsicum sticks (I think they're bell peppers in the US), and little grape tomatoes - they have enough sweetness to feel snacky and if you just have them in a bowl next to your computer, they'll become a habit to munch on. Doesn't need to be a lot. But you'll be introducing a good dose of fibre and vitamins into your diet without much effort.
Red capsicum (are you from AUS?) are red bell peppers in the US, just for confirmation. (=
Japanese Natto. Look it up, it's fermented soybean. I can barely be in the same room as it. Yet my Japanese wife and toddler seem to love the stuff and it's healthy and easy to prepare--- when I'm not gagging.
My wife introduced me to natto and I guess my reaction is the complete opposite of yours.
Peanut butter. Somehow, I like peanuts well enough, but I can’t stand peanut butter. It’s literally the only food I avoid, and the only food I had a rough reaction to while pregnant. I’d like to at least not hate it, but I have such a gut reaction to eating it, I don’t see a future I would ever get over it.
Star trek
I absolutely love Star Trek, especially TNG. I can understand you tho, there are a lot of valid reasons to dislike it. However if you're interested in trying it again, I'd recommend you to start with s01e01 of Star Trek TNG, since it's a slow and soft beginning. If you dislike it because it's too slow for you, you could try one of the movies like TFC maybe.
Some people can't handle popcorn ceiling. That's just hard cottage cheese.
I can't handle the kind of "3d Holographic" that was all the rage in the late 90s early 00s.
Did you get a "holo" from your Harry potter brand chocolate frogs?
Then run an index fingernail over that affront to decent human sensibilities and feel what I say.
If I could not respond that way to that stimulus, my life would be improved.
@Melkath @MisterHavoc hard cottage cheese 🫣