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  • Huh. We can't have both?

    Maybe I've got the idea of the fediverse wrong here but those mods can report stuff on our instance and, vice versa?

    Modding them up to close down the other community was something that the admins of and c/Android weren't too happy about last time I checked.

    • The general idea behind it is that you need a minimum number of people posting to keep a community active. Let's say there are 3 people posting about Xiaomi on Lemmy as a whole.

      If all 3 people post on the same community, there is some activity, it's the only place so people start to link to it easily, it brings more people, and then a 4th and 5th people appear.

      If all 3 people post on 3 different communities, those community never get enough activity to get traction. Users are not sure which one to post to.

      Too many options hurts users’ decision-making ability. How they feel about the experience as a whole can be significantly impacted as a result.

      On top of that, quite a few topics are centralized. ! and ! are the main communities on those topics, there is no other community competing.

      last time I checked.

      Since then 2 of the 5 mods of ! went missing. The 3 others are admins.

      • Yeah I kinda get ya, but still don't agree with competing solely on numbers and feel it could lop off someone's feed without them wanting/realising it.

        And like u/empty. I've worked with fellow mods over on reddit who, to this day if you looked at their profile you'd think they were a dead account.

        But then, if you check the modlogs it's like yikes, this guy does 95.66% of the grind. All Praise the u/empty evil mod that shall not be named. 😘

        • it could lop off someone’s feed without them wanting/realising it.

          There are ways to notify people of consolidations:

          • Again I'm not sure the admins of LW actaully want to migrate any community and I'm also not really sure why, it's needed. Can't these things live in harmony?

            One of the best things I ever did was intentionally not promote my first community I ever made since I knew it was asking for it in doing so, and rather left it to grow by itself.

            Which it is (albeit on fucking reddit)

            • The main difference is that Lemmy is order of magnitudes smaller than Reddit, and old Reddit wasn't competing against modern Reddit

              ! survives thanks to one single person, it's been years. "Build it and they will come" doesn't always apply here

              • Lemmy is order of magnitudes smaller than Reddit

                Yeah, that's kinda my point too. When the Digg > reddit migration happened I didn't promote my community at all. Still growing, even though spez has come in and yoinked it.

                If c/Xiaomi, or c/Android, or c/Google in the fediverse becomes larger in the other instance it's still beneficial to have all of them since if one goes down, the other serves the fediverse an alternative right?

                • ! shut down abruptly when the instance went down. People still found a way to reorganize on !

                  • Yeah but this is not answering my question.

                    If we have multiple communities across the fediverse that can report, cross post, and federate isn't that the better solution rather than silo'ing things to one Instance / set of mods?

                    • See the choice overload link I sent above.

                      By your logic, what are the backup communities for ! or ! ?

                      • By your logic

                        When people use that word they usually have their own logic burnt into their brain. But, bide with me here please.

                        I don't really see any "logic" whatsoever moving/ consolidating/closing an existing community (with inactive accounts as mods) outside of the Instance admins closing it from a community request. Those users might have a preference to use another Instance, for instance, because of hosting laws etc (I dunno).

                        Maybe they don't like perhaps for its hosting company or whatever, maybe they just wanna use their own Instance but subscribe to that community?

                        Consolidation should really only happen in my own opinion if the community themselves + the Instance admins are asking for it and I can't see that yet.

            • Agreed. Folks can choose where to post as it is. Also, our friends in the admin team have expressed their preference for communities to be transferred to new moderators (after a bit of time for the transition) in the event of a merger.