All new vehicles sold in Europe – including Northern Ireland but not Great Britain – will be required from now on to have intelligent speed assistance technology installed.
Weird how the autobahn with its promise of unlimited speed manages to attract the motorized psychos of Europe, to the degree that almost every episode of Top Gear had a segment set in Germany.
That's a myth from the past. The Autobahns are usually packed with lorries from eastern Europe, long stretches of construction sites, detours via villages and 50km speed limits to avoid crumbling bridges and of course the everyday traffic with people driving to work.
Germany has been pumping large amounts into extending the Autobahn network in the last 30 years while ignoring rail, so now everyone wants to drive because the train is unreliable, slow and expensive.
It's really crazy. Many standard, not luxury cars are able to go 200km/h or even faster. There is exactly one place in the world where you are legally allowed to drive that speed: The German Autobahn. But even there you won't be able to do that due to traffic, speed limits etc. in many cases. It's totally crazy that car manufacturers are building cars for those 70% of Autobahns without speed limit.