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  • ”I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!"

    Like bravo.

    For the sake of making this easier I'm going to just assume you want things further left. So how do you get things further left? By giving Dems consistent and overwhelming victories. Because when they lose they have to go to the center, because that's where elections are won.

    So what do you as the informed left voter, that wants things to go further left, do? You vote for the Dems. You give them consistent and overwhelming victories. You don't withhold your vote in protest thinking that the platform is magically going to go left. Because it's not. When dems lose it's going to go into the center. Because that's where you win elections.

    And when I say this you want to throw your hands up and say it's all a fantasy. Seems very, very much like you just want to justify your non-voting. I hear this all the time from leftists on this platform, you (you didn't actually say you vote for Dems) and many, many, many people that talk exactly like you.

    You have this garbage system, and yet you totally write off disengaged voters as totally unworthy of any political attention.

    I'm saying you win elections from the middle.

    Wait you're doing it again. You're mixing up disengaged voters and the fringe protest non voters that are waiting for some big extreme left platform and are withholding their vote until that comes. Disengaged voters are by definition disengaged, they are effectively not voting ever. The protest non-voters we are discussing, the ones that are withholding their vote until they get some big extreme left platform are by definition on the fringe. JFC this couldn't be clearer. Pretty much by definition going after these voters means you will lose the central voters. You are trading the central voters (the ones whose vote counts double because it's a vote taken away from the other party and a vote for your party. And remember these are voters that actually exist, that actually vote, they are real). Okay start that again, you are trading the central voters (whose vote counts double) for this Fringe that maybe, possibly, perhaps, hopefully, perchance, could, mayyyyyybbbbbbeeeeeee show up. Do you understand that math? The math does not work out.

    Do you want some recent history on that? Look at Hillary Clinton. She just went a little bit of tiny itsy bitsy left with the map room to address climate change. Trump came in and grabbed the center vote. Bam she lost the election. Btw so what happened to the horde of left voters that you think will materialize? They said "not extreme left enough, I will continue to withhold my vote in protest!" Yeah they didn't materialize. So what do you think Biden did? Do you think he or any other politician will court these voters that didn't show up? No they won't, they learnt that it's a losing proposition. They learnt that you win elections from the center, and that's where they went, and that's where they won.

    system that just seems like bullshit to make rich richer and otherwise cause misery, and they just don't see the point?

    Lmao and you wonder why I talk like you're the non-voting individual to make things easier. See what I said above about you the informed left voter can do.

    I don't know if I'm going to keep responding, it takes longer and longer to sort out your confusion, mixing, and refusal to see the actual central voters that actually exist. Everything has been said many times and I'm just repeating myself.