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  • Alito made these remarks in conversation at the Supreme Court Historical Society’s annual dinner on June 3, a function that is known to right-wing activists as an opportunity to buttonhole Supreme Court justices. His comments were recorded by Lauren Windsor, a liberal documentary filmmaker. Windsor attended the dinner as a dues-paying member of the society under her real name, along with a colleague. She asked questions of the justice as though she were a religious conservative. 

    Great reporting job by Lauren Windsor.

  • This fucker understands that the fascist Republican will NOT compromise or ever get along with the majority of Americans. The fact he entertains their existence or bills at all means he's a fucking fascist.

  • They don't even give a thought to the optics at this point. They don't care about public sentiment and what most of us want, they'll do whatever they damned well please and asshats like Trollito will give you the metaphorical finger in the process.

    That's ALL Republicans, by the way. This is why I've been saying for more than a decade now that not ONE of them should be allowed into office.

  • Stupid question. I don't doubt the record is authentic, but how do we talk about 'recordings' in the age of rampant deepfake ai? There's no trustworthy method of validating these claims, right?

    • it may not be a stupid question, but it does seem like a disingenuous question (though you probably don't mean to do that on purpose, others would).

      Just because deepfake technology exists doesn't mean that that all video and audio recordings are immediately untrustworthy. It does, however, mean that anyone trying to defend reprehensible behaviour will have an easy method of defense.

      This technology WILL be used during the current U.S. election cycle, and the upcoming Canadian election cycle, and probably every other election cycle after that. Just remember that Roger Stone said "flood the zone with shit". Know your shit from your shinola.

      • How does such a plain question appear insincere? Especially when no one even addresses my second question? lmao

        Just because deepfake technology exists doesn’t mean that that all video and audio recordings are immediately untrustworthy.

        Are you sure? I only ask because you didn't really provide any kind of logic to justify this claim. If we can artificially generate anything we can imagine, how are we to distinguish what recordings are authentic vs artificially generated? I don't see a clear or easy solution to the dilemma, but am hoping others can shine light on the issue.

  • Of course we can’t compromise.

    Which kinda puts alito on the wrong side of history, doesn’t. Since he’s the one compromising the shit out of the courts…