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Using Ubuntu may give off hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect.

hot take?

Edit: got nothing against Ubuntu, it's Linux after all and that's what matters 🌻 Edit2: people took this very seriously for being a shower thought..


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  • not even a hot take. the only people who seem to hate ubuntu are the hardcore linux nerds who like custom building kernels and shit- which, honestly, more power to them, but i have the big dumb and want click button make work.

    Admittedly I don't really like how they're handling packages these days, it's a bit messy with the whole snap vs flatpak vs apt thing, but whatever.

    I currently run ubuntu alongside my windows install just because I needed linux to experiment with AI models, and the only AMD drivers that work for ROCm support are Ubuntu only (packages are permanently dependency-broken on other distros).

    • You could use Linux Mint and there wouldn't be any snaps plus the system will run better

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