Don't quite know exactly how to pronounce SUSE? We've got you covered....Broadway musical style. Singer: Christian BusathSchool age boy: Liam TharpLyrics a...
I always thought those whoe said susa instead of soos are wrong.
It's always amusing to me how people never insist Renault, Citroen, Dodge, Mercedes, etc etc get pronounced exactly how they're pronounced by the locals, but for Porsche there are people who get really worked up about it.
Ummm ackshullyyyyy it's pronounced...
At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter anyway. Everybody knows who you mean so long as pronunciations aren't ridiculously different. I don't particularly care about upholding brands' marketing to be exactly how they want it to be.
Man deleting comments straight up doesn't work. Anyway. I am going to keep pronouncing it "Poorsh". I have not met anyone who uses the hard e pronounication in real life.