Don't quite know exactly how to pronounce SUSE? We've got you covered....Broadway musical style. Singer: Christian BusathSchool age boy: Liam TharpLyrics a...
I always thought those whoe said susa instead of soos are wrong.
You pronounce it any way other than the way the person saying it does.
This results in a few possible outcomes.
The person may get an opportunity to go on at length about why their pronunciation is used, and be entertaining.
The person may get all het up about it, insisting that you're wrong, and you can further mess with them by shrugging and continuing to use whatever you were using.
The person doesn't care, and y'all have a nice conversation about distros and Linux in general.
The person switches to your pronunciation, and you now have a stalker.
I have a rule about acronyms: if the spelling makes sense to be said as a word, I follow the English grammatical rules. A word that's spelled s-u-s-e would be pronounced "soos", so that's what I say.
This is why I don't pronounce GNU as "ga-noo", it doesn't make sense as a word. In those cases, I just spell them out.
Seriously though, unpopular opinion disclaimer, I think I may be only one that didn't find it funny at all, just an informative, overly long, cringey Tenacious D reinterpretation ?
I don't care. It's Soos. It's Ace-SUS, not Ah-soos. It's I-Key-Ah, not E-Kay-Ah. These are the way everyone around me says these things for as long as I can remember.