I was visiting family for Thanksgiving. While we were watching the news, my father and his mother got into a massive argument over politics. It got so bad that I had to go upstairs and ride it out. It was an immensely stressful expirence for me, and I hope it never happens again.
Literally my life as a child. my grandma was a hardcore Democrat and my father a Republican. Every year, every holiday, they would get into it until my grandma would start screaming at him.
Hm, maybe... I had this notion that things were like that since forever in America, like sure, democrats and republicans have their diffrences, but people don't quarel over their political orientations. You do you, I do me and that's that 🤷.
Though I have to admit that things were apparently getting more heated up the last 10 years or so, mainly because of social media and the walled garden it created around people thanks to predicting what your interest are.