I think Donald Trump, given reports on how he acted in childhood legitimately suffers Narcissistic Personality Disorder, although some of his traits indicate histrionic instead, primarily in that he loves negative attention, not just praise.
Elon is harder to diagnose, only because it seems fairly clear that early successes gave way to delusions of grandeur he simply internalized as the wealthy often do, which those under him stoked, but being susceptible to such things makes me kind of agree with his self diagnosis of Bipolar, with narcissistic tendencies of course, not full on NPD since he hasn't at least overtly always been that way, and you don't develop a personality disorder later in life, it's literally who you are at your core, not something you suffer like mood disorders.
The problem with having Bipolar I as an oligarch is that almost no matter how manic you get, its rare to find a subordinate willing to try to reason you back to earth.
He got the shit kicked out of him for being unlikable because neurotypical kids fucking hate autistic kids, ask me how I know or why I hate the world and don’t fucking trust people 🙄
I can’t believe I feel fucking sympathy for this asshole. But my childhood trauma runs deep.