Big mad Elon after he exposed his alt account
Big mad Elon after he exposed his alt account
alt account is Adrian Dittman
Big mad Elon after he exposed his alt account
alt account is Adrian Dittman
How sad
That is so profoundly pathetic. My mouth fell open.
The extreme psychological issues behind using an alt account to try and soothe his own ego about his obvious shortcomings as a father, are in dire need of professional help.
Elon needs a quality shrink and far, far fewer ketamine self-medicating sessions.
The president of united states ladies and gentlemen.
I cringed out loud man what the fuck.
That's so sad. Alexa play Despacito
So even his kid is calling him a monkey? Aren't there child protective services?
One of his kids is transgender. Changed their surname because he's such a shitty father.
But his narcissistic ego thinks he's a great father. And apperently only him, because there sno one else there to say he is.
That's 'narcissistic man outing the depths of his denial' levels of sad.
Wow, this is actual degeneracy.
This is typical autism behavior where you expect immediate rewards for good behavior that has long term benefits, except he had the awareness to make a sock puppet account to give it to himself.
Not commenting on Musk, but here’s my advice to other people on the spectrum: allistic people don’t reward good behaviors immediately, sometimes they might not give any reward at all because they’re playing a completely different game. Reward yourself by giving yourself a personal and private treat for things you value, and don’t judge yourself based on others validation, or lack thereof. Set your own goals, live by your rules.
This reminds me of that joke by Chris Rock about how certain people are proud of not going to jail. Of course, staying out of jail is a good thing.
It's the same thing, yeah, be a good father to your children.
Man, I grew up in a household where my parents celebrated that I didn't join a gang. They flexed how their son wasn't in jail to the other families.
Hood mentality.
That was literally part of Chris Rock's skit:
I take care of my kids.
No shit _, you're supposed to take care of your kids!
I'm obviously out of the loop. What happened?
Adrian Dittmann, the one replying to Musk in this tweet, is apparently Musk's alt account.
Oh God. How pathetic is it that you create and alt to play with yourself. That's like getting mad at your imaginary friend for ghosting you.
Screw that AI noise, here’s a better article
Oh my fucking god. I only mostly read his tweets and quotes, never really hearing Musk talk much, especially not in a "debate". I didn't realize how incredibly childish, arrogant, and downright moronic he was in an argument. All he does is talk over a well-articulated point before the person could finish it by insulting the other party and laughing dumbly at his own joke as if he had made some sort of zinger. And the very few times he doesn't do that he uses blatant strawman arguments.
This is literally like a child yelling back "Oh yeah?Well, your face is stupid!" How the fuck is this person the richest person on Earth? He wouldn't even be able to keep a fast food employee job.
Welp, even with voice modulation "Adrian" sounds just like Elon. The speech patterns line up to the point I couldn't much tell he was using voice mod at all.
Holy shit. Elon or not that guy is embarrassing to listen to.
He adds nothing of value to the conversation and just throws insults to deflect. The most cringe worthy, brain rot insults possible.
This country is fucked.
Just another data point that shows you don't need to be smart to be rich.
For anyone who, like me, wasn't going to play the clip at the above link, holy crap go do so. It's incredibly comical.
Samesies. Wtf happened? Lol
You all do realize that xelon is just fucked in the head right? He is utterly fucking bonkers.
I was arguing with people online that he's a piece of shit for years and kept getting downvoted by fanboys talking about him being Tony Stark.
This isn't some look how smart I was comment, I just assumed he was a piece of shit because he was a billionaire and I assume every billionaire is a piece of shit unless an overwhelming amount of evidence is presented.
Moral of the story is, never worship celebrities and certainly never worship billionaires, unless they are fictional ie batman, then you can like them since it's inconsequential.
I don't think you need to have the stipulation for evidence about billionaires not being shit. I don't think you can be a billionaire without being shit. If you have that much money and aren't giving it away, you're a bad person. That's ignoring how you got it in the first place, which basically requires unfairly benefiting from others work without compensation, excluding inheritance.
There can be no amount of evidence that could make someone a good billionaire. They get that way by stealing the rightful wages of their workers, among other nefarious schemes.
It was a mix of the constant lying about Teslas future mixed with him reminding me of a rapist I know that fixed my perception of him.
I want to lock Musk and Chris-chan into a room together and see who out crazies the other first. Bonus points if the try to breed one another first.
He deserves a refund for that voice changer...
there's no voice changer in this world, present or future, that can make up for his fucking stupid way of speaking. he's such monumental goddamn idiot that he couldn't realize his very recognizable mannerisms couldn't be covered up by a voice changer. and then he proved even more stupid and exposed himself.
I think he'll be fine without a refund.
I learned a long time ago that anyone who calls themselves a "great" anything (and has to resort to such childish tactics to perpetuate the myth) is anything but.
Space karen is a pathetic piece of human garbage
Hadn't he already done that multiple times?
I don't know because I don't keep up on every little detail, but this is the first time I've heard of him using a voice changer in a voice chat. I've seen multiple instances of him using alt accounts to just write text though.
yeah i want more on the voice changer
DSM5 needs to add Petty Manchild Adultchild Disorder as a recognized mental health issue so these people can get the help they deserve.
Eh, make it petty child. I've seen lots of women with the same behavioral issues
Huh... I've always assumed that manchild was using "man" as human or mankind. Just looked it up and I was wrong.
Make it Petty Adultchild Disorder.
Alright, I just woke up so I might not see the obvious, but apart from the almost surreal butt licking, what is the sign (proof?) here that this Dittman's account is actually Elon's? Sorry, I have never used Twitter or X.
This link where he’s playing Dittman and he says something along the lines of “her problem was clearly not with the product but with Elon because I was the first thing she posted about.”
Also, in this article’s sound clip, you can hear the similarities. Elon was not on this call, that was “Dittman”.
Ahhahaha, thanks for the context! This is hilariously bad from his part.
I can't believe I am better at faking identities than Elon
Where's the voicechanger? That's just clearly Elon.
I've worked in a taxi dispatch taking hundreds of calls a day for some years and even though I do say so myself, I think I have a pretty good ear.
And his.. I don't know what to even call it, but like there's this very specific sound when he speaks. Creaking sort of.
This is very clearly him. Is that supposed to be through a voicechanger? Because maybe I've not listened to him in any media for a while so I don't remember the tone and that doesn't seem weird to me for that reason, but it's just very unmistakably Elon, lol.
Adrian sounded exactly like him, he bragged about paying the most taxes of anyone, and when he got exposed other people went and listened to other archived spaces he was involved with and a couple of times in $TSLA chats he slipped up and used "we" and "I" statements referring to Musk and Tesla. Elon is known to and has been proven to use alt accounts on Twitter, and consider the subsequent bans, if it's not him why is he so sensitive.
Thanks for context, this is indeed horribly childish.
I'm glad that such a mature, well-adjusted person is running my country right now.
Hey, he bought and paid for it fair and square. He can run it into the ground as hard and fast as he wants.
See also: Twitter (and no I'm not calling it x that's fucking stupid)
Fr tho, who the fuck claims to have a 'favorite letter' to even begin with? Talk about the cringelord final boss...
I have a favourite letter. It was one of my resignation letters. Paraphrasing what it said at its core "I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoyed working here and that I would miss the wise and intelligent guidance I received while employed here. Unfortunately my mother raised me not to lie, so I won't."
I still love that letter.
Of course it contained a great deal more content than "X". (I mean seriously, he couldn't even add "O" to the mix?)
It's so hilarious how trumpkin turned on his base for musk, fuck your good paying american jobs going to american born citizens, fuck your education, we want underpaid immigrants and tax cuts while cutting social security.
I don't think he turned on his base for musk, I think he was always lying just to get their vote. He's a massive piece of shit that only cares about "what is good for Trump?" He doesn't give a flying fuck or two shits from a rats ass what the base wants at all.
Trump has always just spouted talking points and word salad until something gets a good reaction and that becomes the new mantra and even government policy. Things that had a bad reaction are put in the "I never said that" box.
It's surprisingly how much this resembles how an AI generates images. It starts with random noise and refines that into a clear image that matches the criteria.
Elon exposed himself.
Does this mean we're all getting horses?
No, Vermin Supreme didn't get elected :(. We'll get those ponies one day.
U gotta crank his hog for that
There's an image that can not leave my head soon enough.
Why would he make a social media account under a fake name, instead of using his real name but make everyone think it's an unverified parody account to say whatever he wants and never get suspected?
It's not that bloody difficult.
Yes, however you see the issue here is that you have an IQ higher than room temperature water, and muskrat does not.
He couldn't even invent a vaguely clever ploy. That fucking brainlet just took the resources available to him and assembled the most basic bitch plan ever, "Hur dur fake account, but add voice changer." Further proof that Elon Musk is a fucking idiot who couldn't invent his way out of a wet paper bag.
Yes. How very Ken of him.
Why would he want people to think hes a parody account? He didnt want to just say whatever, he wanted to influence public opinion in his favor. He used the alt account to try to boost his public reputation/give the appearance of organic support for his positions and opinions.
Literal manchild
Make him mad enough to cause a stroke to wipe out his smug shit eating attitude
This kind of behavior is alarming. When this mFer crashes and burns he's taking as many people with him as possible. Maybe even all of western civilization.
Makes you wonder what other stupid shit he's up to that we don't know of yet. Man is completely deranged and it would be sad if it wasn't so dangerous.
The man is a freak. I wouldn't be surprised if he's as depraved and sick as Epstein was.
I mean, blocking Ukrainians from using Starlink at key moments at the request of Putin is surely a start.
Doesn't he have enough money to just pay people to setup friendly accounts? I hate Musk's ass, but if he wants to put me on his payroll to kiss his ass on the internet, I'm for sale. $200k/year and I will sing his praises far and wide.
He's got literally no humans or animals that like him irl. He already is paying people for this job. He bought Twitter to be his friend so he could spend all his free time on there which is a lot and it won't look as weird since he owns it. Guys brain is more cooked than a nfl player with cte.
He bought Twitter because he wanted to pump the stock up, presumably so that he could dump his stock. The timeline is that Elon talked about taking Twitter private, paying 420$ per share, because 420 is the funny marijuana number. Twitter's board then agreed to the buyout, since Elon's offer was far more than what the company was actually worth. Elon tried to weasel out of the deal, but Twitter successfully sued him to force him into buying Twitter.
$200k a year could buy an entire army of bots and trolls. He doesn’t need to bother with paying individual people, when a company with borderline slave labor will do it en masse for a penny per post.
Haha I got a good laugh XD. But seriously though, I wouldn't propagandize for that monster to set me up for life.
I shudder to imagine how much of yourself would erode over time, being a flattering mouthpiece for, and being bankrolled by, such an evil villain.
Personally, I'll keep my struggles lol.
This hypothetical situation reminds me of some passages that have stuck with me for life:
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." (Proverbs 22:1)
““For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36 NASB)
I shudder to imagine how much of yourself would erode over time, being a flattering mouthpiece for, and being bankrolled by, such an evil villain.
Are you familiar with the mouth of Sauron?
His ego is way too big for that so he needs to trick himself into strong enough cognitive dissonance and he gets that by buying people of indirectly. Tale as old as time.
I don't think the guy has any friends, so no.
Can't wait to hear the knowledge fight guys humbly eat crow on that one...
I get where they were coming from. It was almost too silly to believe.
But yeah, I hope they do own up quick.
The silliness isn't what convinced me they were different people, it was the fact that Dittman could string a sentence together whereas every time I've heard Elon without a script (which really isn't often, probably never outside of KF) there have been so many ums and ahs that communicating a single point would take a lifetime. Maybe having less pressure on him as Dittman helps.
Now that we know this one. Can we find him talking and answering himself?
I really can't stop laughing at this
Ooof that's sad
I was verbose when I saved this one.
He did it on the last bastion of free speech on the internet!
Shareholders gotta love that.
It's even dumber that his nom de sputum, is almost certainly a Resident Evil 4 reference. 🙄
Hopefully he speedruns himself into a hole in the ground
I suspected a few years ago when the Twitter purchase was going on. That when he was sued to carry out the purchase. That was when he decided he was going to use Twitter as a mechanism of his own personal information warfare.
Mask off cartoonishly evil person does cartoonishly evil things
Mods have been doing that shit since yahoo chat rooms
Orly? Thought his alt account was 'Leroy Jenkins'?
This guy's autism is becoming palpable.
What has autism got to do with it? Sounds like you want to use what these days is considered a slur but don't have the spine to do it.
Fine, I'll do it. Elon Musk is retarded. Not autistic, though if he is on the spectrum that has nothing to do with it.
The guy is fucking slow. He's the stupidest "smart" person. He may be brilliant at making money, but holy fuck does this guy hang out in the shallow end of the intellectual pool.
I've met birds with a better understanding of cause and effect.
I don't know what you're babbling about. What autism has to do with it is his public admission of Asperger's. You thinking autism is a slur sounds like your issue, not mine.
So that conversation Elon had with "Adrian" was a fake?
I don't believe it tbh. One slipped pronoun isn't a lot to go on. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same person and it was an elaborate ruse the entire time, but I'm not convinced yet.
Maybe if I ignore contrary evidence and just look it this one thing it makes more sense in the mind of a Lemmy user.
This is not the first time he was caught with a sock puppet. And I can confuse the names of people a lot and call the wrong name but I never referred to myself when talking about someone else, and I never see or heard about It either. It is not a simple mistake, It is too different cognitive speaking I think.
So I do admire what Tesla and SpaceX are doing and I'll watch various things on the topic.
I was watching one where Ron Barron was doing an interview with Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX’s COO, and he only referred to SpaceX as if it was his.
I know he's a big investor in it, but it drove me nuts.
I don't think I've ever seen that anywhere else, ever.
Like, I guess I'm developing the worlds best AI chips since I own an ETF with NVIDIA?
Did he have a voice call with his other sock puppet? No? Oh okay. Thanks for chirping in.
People fuck up pronouns all the time, congrats on being above that genius.
Okay, Elon
Reddit tier comment
OP, this isn't even a meme? It's just a definition of free speech.
I hope that's a huge '/s' we're missing here
Didn't think it needed one, but here we are lmao
We're on /enoughmuskspam for God's sake