Cyber-Security Experts Warn in Open Letter to Harris Election Was Hacked; Elon Musk is "guilty as fuck"
Cyber-Security Experts Warn in Open Letter to Harris Election Was Hacked; Elon Musk is "guilty as fuck"

Cyber-Security Experts Warn in Open Letter to Harris Election Was Hacked; Elon Musk is "guilty as fuck"
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Stop saying Trump didn't steal the election.
his lawyers literally had the voting software stolen, as court documents show, and it's a historical and statistical stark improbability that this many people only voted for the president on their ballots, only in the seven swing states, and only with just enough of a margin to avoid a manual recount.
you clearly didn't read the article.
these are facts that computer security experts are putting forth as evidence that the election was manipulated.
You clearly didn't watch the video (how could you within 1 minute). It references the guy who wrote the first open letter.
"It references the guy who wrote the first open letter."
did you watch the video?
her conclusion is, "that guy was right before, the Republicans did steal the election in 2000, but maybe he isn't correct this time?"
maybe. let's do the recounts and see if those votes are there.
I think it makes sense to listen to the guy who was right about the Republicans stealing the election last time since we have evidence that they tried to steal the election 4 years ago, like straight up admitted by the electors who committed fraud.
your video supports my point.
her conclusion is, "that guy was right before, the Republicans did steal the election in 2000, but maybe he isn't correct this time?"
lol, nope. Not what she said in the video. That guy didn't complain in 2000. He did so in 2004, though.
You didn't watch it.
also, the first open letter was written by eight different computer scientists who are not the guy you're trying to nitpick about.
Stop making things up.
sure, that's how I referenced all of her points and showed that they matched up with exactly what I said and what the article says.
We just happened to guess the exact right stuff together about a video that's been circulating.
how I referenced all of her points
What? When? Where?
that they matched up with exactly what I said and what the article says.
Lol, sure. /s
literally above.
I get that reading is difficult for you so you don't want to mess with it, but if you read, and then you watch the video you didn't watch yet, she says the same thing I did.
The guy was right before, we should do a recount, she just wants to pretend that "conspiracies" aren't real despite the elector fraud scheme that happened 4 years ago.
while she literally lists conspiracies that happen every election season from the Republicans.
I can see why you were confused by the video, but I appreciate its support for my points.
The guy was right before, we should do a recount, she just wants to pretend that "conspiracies" aren't real despite the elector fraud scheme that happened 4 years ago.
That's not what she said. You can read it up in the transcript.
Need I go on? This “lifelong Republican,” (as he stated in his letter to Kamala Harris) has previously campaigned to reverse the 2004 election in which George W. Bush beat John Kerry–the year Bush won even the popular vote, by the way, not the year he actually stole the election in Florida.
He never questioned the 2000 election. She agrees that that one might have been stolen, but the dude claimed that 2004 was stolen. Not 2000.
So, what did you edit your comments for, if not for editing you calling her "right wing". I can't prove it, because lemmy doesn't preserve edit history, but you called her right wing twice, then edited them, then called me a liar for referencing that.
So, why did you edit your posts? Why are you claiming pi-oting on what the video says? How is it defeatist, if it actually agrees with your points?
I get that you don't like edits, but you should get into that because you make a lot of mistakes with what you write.
I use speech to text and then edit manually.
doesn't change the facts Jack.
I edited my comments before you asked me any questions or made up your little stories.
also stop talking about 2000, the guy was right about the 2004 election (that's another edit I made again before you asked me the question).
you can scroll up and try reading for a change.
"How is it defeatist, if it actually agrees with your points? "
because she isn't calling for a recount, she's telling everyone to calm down and just accept this possible conspiracy even though we all know that conservatives perpetrated a similar conspiracy for years ago.
she doesn't like conspiracies I guess.
The word scares a lot of people.
it just means a group of people working together to do something.
those are the facts Jack.
I get that you don't like edits, but you should get into that because you make a lot of mistakes with what you write.
Wrong. I edit all the time, since I make typos a lot. What I don't like is backpedaling liars.
I use speech to text and then edit manually.
Then edit them before you hit send. 🙄
doesn't change the facts Jack.
Don't call me Jack.
made up your little stories.
What did I make up?
I edited my comments before you asked me
That's a horrible way to write on lemmy.
you can scroll up and try reading for a change.
I read your comments. It's not on me to check every minute wether or not you edited them since then.
also stop talking about 2000
You brought it up, smartass.
the guy was right about the 2004 election
Sure he was. /s
(that's another edit I made again before you asked me the question).
If you write shit you didn't want to and I reference what you wrote first, that's on you, not me.
because she isn't calling for a recount
wrong again. From the transcript:
Over the coming months, officials in every county will be certifying that the election was fair. Or as “fair” as our elections get these days. If that includes some hand-counting of ballots, I’m all for it. If someone wants to file a lawsuit to force the hand-counting of ballots, I’m all for that, too. Election transparency is good, even if it tells us something we desperately do not want to hear: that Donald Trump won the 2024 election.
and just accept this possible conspiracy even though we all know that conservatives perpetrated a similar conspiracy for years ago.
Where does she claim that? I'd like a quote.
Don't call me Jack.
I've seen that defeatist video several times.
Rebecca Watson right-wing? 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, sure you did. /s
" Rebecca Watson right-wing"
Why do you think she's right-wing?
"Yeah, sure you did"
Just because you don't care about the facts doesn't mean nobody else does.
enjoy your nitpicking.
You claimed she was right wing and then edited your comment. What the fuck are you trying to pull off here.
sorry I edited a comment before you replied to it.
you could have actually made a point.
must be rough.
you are delusional.
I watched your silly video.
do you also not believe in the fraudulent electors scheme that has been documented and happened and people have been convicted for?
do you not believe in the call Trump made to Georgia to try to literally create votes out of nothing?
you can post baseless YouTube videos all you want, they don't contradict the facts.
I watched your silly video.
When? In the one minute it took you to reply to me posting it? /s
Have fun in your world of conspiracies.
I've seen that trash several times now
mega heads have been posting it.
have fun making things up.
have fun making things up.
Says the person whose primary source pretty much only writes in conditionals and calls them "facts".
If you watched it so often, why don't you address her points, then?
I literally addressed her points in the other comment.
which part confused you?
she basically agrees with me.
the guy was right before in 2004, we know that Republicans do steal elections and try to steal one 4 years ago, so we should do recounts this time.
you didn't watch her video did you?
you just went along with the headline.
I literally addressed her points in the other comment.
You didn't at the time I wrote the other comment. Again: wtf are you trying to pull off, lying and shit?
she basically agrees with me. the guy was right before 2000, we know that Republicans do steal elections and try to steal one 4 years ago, so we should do recounts this time.
No, she doesn't. He didn't claim anything like that in 2000. From the transcript:
Need I go on? This “lifelong Republican,” (as he stated in his letter to Kamala Harris) has previously campaigned to reverse the 2004 election in which George W. Bush beat John Kerry–the year Bush won even the popular vote, by the way, not the year he actually stole the election in Florida.
you didn't watch her video did you?
First, you call her right wing, then you claim that she's lying, then you claim that she agrees with you by misquoting her. Pathetic.
yeah dude, i didn't answer you before you asked a question.
do you understand how questions work?
go ahead. keep making stuff up, anyone can scroll up.
Stop saying Trump stole the 2024 election
Yeah the convicted criminal with a clear history of stealing and cheating in every election hes ever been in.. stop saying that guy is a cheater. Sure thing.
Good thing he's not the sole person in carge of the election, then, huh?
Also: not what I said. 🙄