While 100% in the don't fake it camp, please also remember us men are not mind readers and our equipment works different. Much like with cooking and cleaning, if you don't tell us what we are doing wrong or better yet show us the right way, we are going to assume we did our part cause we got the result we wanted and you didn't complain or ask for something different.
What I happened to notice with different girls as a guy is that for many, of not most, telling/showing the right way is a turn-off and having something the right way without showing first is a source of tremendous excitement.
With that said, we, men, are still not mind readers, and women really do have it very differently, so some common sex education, while useful, can only cover the basics, and even they are not universally applicable.
I don't think OP is talking about a PowerPoint presentation (unless that's your kink, you do you), but more like some verbal cues "faster" "don't stop" "a little lower" etc. If the guy has a reasonable amount of attentiveness and experience, he should be able to get her 80% of the way there. Also, little cues like that can be hot as well because we know she's into it and stuff.
Fake orgasm is very counter-productive, even when it's used as a feeling preservibg way of saying "I'm tired and bored, let's just finish you off and go back to watching tv"