My point is it's the exact same reflex coming from propaganda addicts. You can't think for yourself. No wonder you can't tell the difference between stream of consciousness ranting and cut and paste responses
You're telling me about the real world when you are over there thinking that neoconservatives want resource, industrial, and technological independence for low income countries. This is the problem with your addiction to propaganda right here. You think it is the real world. It is the lens through which you see what is right in front of you.
Back to the cut and paste answers I see, we've talked about this. I'm not the others, you can stop cut and pasting the same comments you give them to me. Seriously, stop talking like a fox news article and more like a real person.
This could easily have been one of your prior replies pasted. Have you ever heard of Mike Gallagher by any chance? I didn't realize Fox News was denouncing neocolonialism and celebrating the technological development of China and Russia.
The bathroom break part is particularly funny. I guess you look down on people who can't post at their job. You must be quite a softhanded little pedant.
If they had a Captcha, you'd never be able to post again. You clearly lack basic reading comprehension. Just look at every post you've made, they are full of a jabbering mess of word salads. They have no point, no logic. Half of them are you trying to argue with someone who clearly isn't me, and I've pointed this out to you multiple times but still here you are trying.
The Captcha would ask you what letter are in the image and you'd go on a rant in the box claiming who knows what and how it must be against you all while trying to make up new insults that you are parroting from who knows where.
Before you start accusing other people of being illogical you may want to make it through one comment you didn't make 12 times already without contradicting yourself or making comical tirades like this. If you seriously think that your game of peek-a-boo where you join a conversation, contribute more racist jingoism and act like you have nothing to do with it is believable, I expect that you have some major social limitations related to theory of mind. Your bullshit is not believable, you can barely even convince yourself.
You know you are rhetorically defenseless and you are essentially begging me to believe what you are saying, which is nothing.
The thing is you have now multiple times admitted you either do not comprehend my posts or don't try, think I am Russian, and have no strategy other than this, and repeating ”u mad" and "no u". I could replace you with a flowchart.