Socialist Morman Satanist: Thank you! :) To make a chocolate cake please insert my [COUCH] into a third parties [SOAPDEPESNER] for thirty comments. After ten [THANK YOU!] comments take out of the oven and let cool for another third party candidate.
You seem to be assuming a lot of things. And you aren't being very civil. I answered honestly and you seem unhappy. So I'm not sure what you are hoping for with this conversation since you seem to be very upset regardless of what I say.
I am unhappy. You downvoted my reply. All I was doing was helping you by pointing out your obvious fakeness. I'm just trying to be polite and helpful to you.
I'm afraid you seem upset because you keep downvoting my comments even though you've always insisted you don't care about downvotes. That makes me feel bad, and it makes me feel like you're not being honest to everyone here, and more importantly you're not being honest to yourself. And that's something I care about.