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Bulletins and News Discussion from February 17th to February 23rd, 2025 - The Sankara Renaissance - COTW: Burkina Faso

Image is of the Memorial of the Martyrs (or, the Monument of National Heroes), conceived of by Thomas Sankara and constructed in the early 2000s, honouring those who died in the revolution.

The government of Burkina Faso has done that thing that imperialist nations most dread - land reform.

The Council of Ministers has adopted a bill which means that the nation's land now belongs to the state, in order to regulate land use and make it more sustainable, as well as to solve land conflicts. It's important to note that they are respecting the importance of customary rights in rural land for Burkina Faso nationals. Meanwhile, foreigners can no longer acquire titles of property on rural land.

This new law is part of a series of improvements to Burkina Faso implemented by the country under Traore (who, of course, faces assassination attempts on a regular basis). For example, the state has recently recognized the status of chiefs through the country, putting them under a clearer legal framework and involving them more in public affairs. Late last year, Burkina Faso also nationalized two gold mines, Boungou and Wahgnion, owned by foreign corporations. Burkina Faso is the 13th largest gold producer in the world despite its relatively small size, and yet most of the wealth produced is - or, was - siphoned off to the imperialist core. And, after years of research and development, they've made a new electric car - the Itaoua - which can travel up to 330 kilometers after only 30 minutes of charging.

Socialism cannot be stopped - only delayed.

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  • Now that Jackson Shithinkle is in Lebanon and multiple resistance media personalities have made a point of identifying him as a US intelligence asset, it bears repeating that the US left has utterly failed in protecting the rest of the world from this infiltrator con artist. (I will not post his pictures from Beirut as I will throw up in my mouth if I have to see his face again.)

    The failure is multiple dimensions but I believe one of the most actionable is that they have simply proven incapable of presenting meaningful investigations outside of their ideological bubble.

    As a hint, very very few people care if he is "anti-trans" or "far-right" or "white supremacist" or whatever. These terms have been reduced to little more than buzzwords by the Biden regime and it's "Diversity friendly" genocide project over the last four years. I promise you that the average person outside of your bubble foes not give a damn about con artist leftist infiltrators using homophobic language. They may, however, pay attention when you have cold hard evidence about their financial and historical relationships with capital and the deep state.

    What people need is hard facts that can be understood across heterogenous political ideologies. The people who are the most endangered by such individuals may actually respect him more when your criticisms of him map easily into NGO'ified diversity friendly imperialist soft-war language. It is because the Western left is largely unable to grapple with this fact that their internationalism is often worse than useless.

    The Western left must learn how to carry out thorough and comprehensive investigations of internal enemies and threats, and for those investigations to go much deeper than simply appealing to their own heurestically closed discursive loops, lest they be rendered irrelevant to the people who need them most. Such investigations should also be published and spread outside of Twitter and other social media...

    • it bears repeating that the US left has utterly failed in protecting the rest of the world from this infiltrator con artist.

      ... what do you expect people to do? Dude's literally got funders to artificially boost his shit and a cult of rabid dogs to generate controversy to attract the algorithm.

      Literally nobody wants anything to do with him and his fascist cult. Nobody works with them. Nobody likes them. There's literally nothing else that can be done within the parameters of legality.

    • This is nonsense. There's been plenty for coverage of how shady this guy is for years. Members of the Resistance like Ahmed Hassan are as online/addicted to Twitter as any Western leftist. They have the same access to legitimate and respectable sources and coverage that any Western leftist has, and they have the same ability reach out to respectable Western sources to ask about Hinkle. They don't, and you can come up with your own reasons for why that is, whether they just want to use his platform or if they agree with his social reactionary positions, but I've never heard anyone in the American left vouch for this guy. Pretty much everyone thinks he's at best a grifter and at worst an actual fed.

    • I mean even surface looking investigation will reveal it, how is western left fault lmao. It might just be they are using him as a platform to get to people they wouldn't get to otherwise, kinda like fed joe rogan for the dispossessed

    • I can't comment much on the Western left because I'm not part of it, but I agree with your analysis there, there's been a failure in occupying the space that people like Jackson Hinkle occupies, and in large part that is due to what is seen as the left giving up anti war and anti imperialist positions (how many prominent left figures in the West oppose the war in Ukraine, and support the Axis of Resistance outright? I do not know of any). This leads to this space being occupied by social chauvinists, grifters, and US government assets like Jackson Hinkle.

      But what I can comment on is that we outside of the west need to stop being so naive, and need to stop this tailism and chasing after popularity and social media clout in the West. So what if these people have millions of social media followers in America, that's not going to help us on the ground. It will only help us if they're actually commited to supporting us and not frauds. Many of the people Jackson Hinkle is with, including Ahmed Hassan, have been informed time and time again of his links to Tulsi Gabbard, his positive comments on Netanyahu, his unashamed Trump support, etc. But they have doubled and tripled down in defending him. Why that is, I don't know obviously.

      The EFF spent an entire election cycle chasing after votes on ethnic and tribal lines, even exempting the land owned by the Zulu monarchy from their proposed land reform policies! If that's not tailism, I have no idea. This backfired when ex South African president Jacob Zuma (a very prominent Zulu political figure) decided to start his own political party in the MK party, and essentially stole all of the EFFs new support. Now the EFF is collapsing with resignations of many senior members, with some directly joining the MK and Zuma. So them taking to Jackson Hinkle is not a break from what they did before.

    • It'd be great if we did more, but what specifically? As far as I know nothing is proven definitely. It's one of those things "everyone knows" but no one has documents or anything

      • In these replies we have 1 person 2 people saying it’s so obvious it couldn’t be the western left’s fault, 2 people dunking on OP and 1 person staunchly denying there’s anything to be done. I feel like it’s up to western leftists to find the solution to a western problem. For example, the windsurfing photo with National Director of Intelligence and US Army PsyOps officer Tulsi Gabbard, or the endless imperialism loving he’s shown on Twitter have done more to damage his image than any critique on social issues. Compiling evidence of his imperialism to share when he is invited places would be a decent first start. The communist parties we do have (PSL, CPUSA, PCUSA, FRSO) should explicitly denounce him based on these facts, letting the world know him as an infiltrator and an agent of imperialism.

        For example imo, on the right track

        I was going to recommend this but it has been removed lmao

    • What happened to Hexbear being little more than a form of escapism while functioning as self harm? How fortunate of us that you put yourself into harm's way for our sake.

      • The two are not contradictory as shown by their immediate departure from this site again. Are you a poc or did you go searching for a post from weeks ago to “dunk on” well-intentioned criticism of the western left you make up? Did the critique of a useless left whose place in anti-imperialist circles is taken by federal agents strike too close to home?

        • The "search" was clicking on LoveYourself's profile and seeing all six (6) comments, which is what happens when I see people with none/use name flairs that I'm not familiar with.

          We had problems with bad faith actors worming their way into the news mega before. Remember the dude who tried to spread some bullshit about how China wanted to take over Myanmar by using one of the rebel groups as a Chinese proxy among other reactionary things.. Boredom/Halloweenbean/Chickpeas was also one of the instigators that eventually led to the bloomer/doomer struggle session this mega experienced because people didn't see the wrecker for what they were until the damage was done. Boredom/Halloweenbean/Chickpeas wasn't wrong about everything and even occasionally contributed, but they were a bad faith actor who wanted to foster division within the news mega.

          Calling a Hinkle a fed is essentially just calling him a bad faith actor since there's no actual definitive proof that he is one (by definitive proof, I mean proof that he's on CIA's payroll or there's leaked footage of him being briefed at Langley, which will obviously never see the light of day for any half-competent asset, handler, or case officer). I mean, that's why handlers are even a thing. The whole point of handlers is so there's a degree of separation between the asset and the case officer assigned to guide the asset for the fed's ends. You'll never see Hinkle's name on an official file because he (probably) has a handler assigned to him, and the handler will of course keep a low profile. It's the same deal with Vaush and other Breadtubers. To even get the point where you could do reasonable investigative journalism and dig up definitive proof that Hinkle is a fed, you more or less would have to infiltrate ACP and find out who's funding them and then investigate the funder and even then, the funder would probably cover their tracks well enough that you can't actually definitively prove the handler has an assigned case officer that they debrief to.

          The correct denouncement against Hinkle are largely against his reactionary social politics that Axis of Resistance personalities mostly agree with and insinuations that he's a fed that Axis of Resistance personalities brush aside as personal attacks and hearsay because "what he says about Palestine is good and that's all that matters." I've seen Axis of Resistance Twitter try to square the circle of old footage of Hinkle admitting to being a grifter by going, "Well, he's a changed man. May he one day revert to Islam Inshallah." Even AryJeay knows Hinkle is a grifter, but he does not care.

          I think the uncomfortable truth people have to face is that one of the reasons why Hinkle can have his foot in the door is because his reactionary social politics are actually a selling point. Hinkle can walk up to them and say, "You think homosexuals and t-words are a form of Western d-word pushed by Jews globalists as some globohomo liberal conspiracy? Wow, me too!" We all know about the reactionary nature of RT comments. Who is RT going to be more open towards interviewing, someone from PSL who think trans rights are human rights or someone from ACP who thinks t-words are Western d-word? Who are the average RT commenter more open towards listening to?

          • This individual is not bad faith, but treatment like yours is why they are no longer on this site. I hope you reflect on that because they are a comrade. What action does that “uncomfortable truth” lead to? Do you explain how reactionary social values are benefiting imperialism or do you cede the space entirely?

          • You're basically going with do you know what they do to gays in Gaza

            • I am not because I support the Resistance in expelling imperialists from West Asia by any means necessary. At a certain point, their reactionary social views are less important than their capacity in defeating imperialism. People concern-trolling about Hamas being queerphobic do so in the service of imperialism through pinkwashing. Hinkle and the rest of the patsoc losers represent the flip side of pinkwashing, which is queerphobia packaged as an incredibly vulgar form of anti-imperialism. Both ultimately feed upon each other and stall human progress and self-actualization among the colonized.

              Imperialism is a cancer, and any form of social advancement, which would include repudiating queerphobia, cannot happen until the cancer has been removed. As stated by numerous decolonial theorists like Fanon, imperialism and colonization stall human progress among the colonized, which includes social progress. And this social progress cannot be imposed upon by the colonizer, which is what pinkwashing represents. This social progress has to be done on the colonized own terms. WANA's repudiation of queerphobia and embrace of queer people within their body politic will not look like Western conceptions of repudiation and embrace at all.

    • Very good post