Seems like a strong pick with lots of first hand knowledge and experience
This Moment is Canon Now: O'Brien Suffers More
This happened to me while getting a refresher on Memory Alpha
Should have been a Red Match
The most distressing scene in the entire Star Trek franchise
B5 crossover
Guess it's time to crawl into the Jefferies tube and make some modifications.
in fashion everything old is new again
Everybody: "Dinnae light the candle!" Beverly: "I'mma light the candle...."
Some days it do be like that
everyone on this instance better be doing their part to bring glory to the (white) house today!!
Bradward Boimler is actually a deceased USS Pegasus Ensign. Prove me wrong!
Wagon Train to the Stars
Take your cybersecurity seriously, ensigns
Why is Boimler so pale even though he grew up on a vineyard?
There are only two types of Bad Star Trek Episodes
For the two Over the Garden Wall fans here
Let's Give Prodigy a Little More Meme Love