Who says S31 gets to have all the fun?
"But when the phone inside her ribcage rings, it's not for me."
Impossible to know what this gesture means, unfortunately
I finished watching DS9... again.
Commander Charles “Gentleman” Tucker III
In hindsight, "the Xindi attack" was a phase change into a much more hard-boiled season of Enterprise.
How long does it take for a quantum torpedo to cover a distance of 12 parsecs?
I wasn't ready for a 28 episode sustained descent into darkness
Watching Enterprise for the very first time
Gee, thanks, Riker, anything else?
If I Get to Kill Him, Take My Latinum!
I'm about to have to get a second job
Lets make a Star Trek Future
"An all-powerful space frog"
Hovering the cursor over the play button on every new episode of Lower Decks
Find you a man who looks at you like Rich Evans looks at Mike Stoklasa improvising a Picard monologue...
Look at Lower Decks gettings all authentic...
A redshirt's guide to getting vengeance on the ex you dumped for not giving you a chance to apologise
If I had a slip of latinum for every time a DS9 character went to an alien afterlife...
When someone ask if you are watching Trek porn parodies.