Posts must be a screenshot, crosspost, or link to someone using a bizarre unit of measurement (33 lanes wide, as heavy as 10 semi-trucks, etc.)
Standard units are not allowed, unless it's a sufficiently bizarre usage of the unit (this is up to mod discretion.)
Intentionally terrible units are completely fine! Satire is welcome here
Curses are fine, slurs are not. If there are slurs in something you want to post, please blur them, or reconsider posting.
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Post titles should be just the unit of measurement used (not the thing being measured!), and should be the full name of the unit (Apples and Bags of Apples imply very different things!)
NSFW units should be partially censored. If there are multiple units, list as many as you want. If the source is satire, the title should start with [Satire]
Motorcycle-sized tuna fetches more than $1 million at Japan auction
By Jay Ganglani, Lisako Neriki Ancheta and Chris Lau, CNN
Updated: 3:18 AM EST, Mon January 6, 2025
Source: CNN
A bluefin tuna about the size of a motorcycle has been sold for $1.3 million (207 million yen) at Japan’s most prestigious fish market, setting the second highest price on record during its new year auction.
A classic clip from Family Guy where Peter is Jackée Harry's personal grocery shopper. She asks him for a "pallet of chocolate covered pretzels", a "drum of grape jam", a "desk of Cheez-Its", and a "hammock of cake"
A satellite weighing about as much as an adult male rhinoceros re-entered Earth's atmosphere today over the north Pacific Ocean between Alaska and Hawaii.
Satellite weighing as much as adult rhino to crash through Earth's atmosphere today
A satellite will likely make an uncontrolled return through Earth's atmosphere today, according to the latest estimates from the European Space Agency.
It says ERS-2, which weighs about as much as an adult male rhinoceros, is expected to re-enter at about 11:32 a.m. EST — plus or minus 4.6 hours. The agency can't predict exactly when and where the satellite will re-enter because its return is "natural."